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How BMW is embracing sustainable transportation strategies

You might think of BMW as the James Bond car, but these days, the maker of the world's "ultimate driving machine" is driving in a new direction — sustainability.

在我最近访问欧洲,我曾在慕尼黑参观宝马的机会。陆的领导者xury automotive boasts a headquarters that includes a BMW Museum, which spans the early days of the automobile up to the next-gen topics like autonomous driving; a high-tech manufacturing plant, smack-dab in the middle of one of the world’s most expensive cities; and BMW Welt, a giant showroom where BMW lovers can take delivery of new models.

It's clear that like all automakers, the company is currently sorting through the challenges that the industry is facing, from changing perceptions of car ownership among millennials to electrification to autonomous driving.


I sat down with Jury Witschnig, BMW’s head of sustainability strategy product and production, to talk about what renewable energy, the circular economy and an all-electric rollout mean to the German luxury car giant.

Pete May: Let’s talk about BMW sustainability — past, present and future. First of all, on the operational front, BMW set an objective of 100 percent clean energy by 2020. How has it been working on this goal, and what have you learned along the way?

Jury Witschnig:2020年的目标是我们一直在内部使用了九年来的东西。所以,在我们沟通这个目标很长一段时间,我们在内部讨论为什么我们要做到这一点,我们将如何做到这一点。而对于我们来说,这是非常重要的首先要了解:为什么清洁能源?


And the first thing, of course, is energy efficiency — or producing fewer CO2 emissions. And secondly, it’s asking ourselves, where is the energy coming from? Are we producing energy on your own or buying renewable energy?

In 2011, we were at 15 percent of renewable use in our production at BMW worldwide. Today we have 80 percent, quite a progression. And therefore, we see a path to 100 percent in 2020.

May: Could you define renewables? What are you putting in that bucket worldwide?

Witschnig:That's very important because internationally, we have very different definitions of "renewables." First, when we talk about energy, we talk aboutenergy sources forelectricity and heat. And when we talk about renewable energy, 100 percent, we are talking about purchasing 100 percent of the electricity we buy from renewable sources. This could be from a windmill on our own plant, but it could also be, for example, from the market with the quality of green renewable electricity.

May: Including RECs?

Witschnig:For us, we always need a guarantee of origin. It could be a REC. It depends on the market. In China there are different systems, as in Europe or the United States. And when we talk about renewable, we mean wind, water, solar panels. We talk about methane gas, meaning biomethane gas we transform into electricity, or landfill gas, as it’s commonly known in the United States. But there must be a guarantee of origin so we know it’s really renewable energy.

May: Now that you've nearly completed the 100 percent renewable energy target, what was different? What surprised you in the journey?


Secondly, we said "OK, this is a large investment, and it will be difficult for us to get this investment done internally. Where should this money come from?" Whatever we could do onsite, on our plants, we tried to do, because there we saw a business case for onsite renewables. But onsite energy production is often not enough energy — it depends on the plant. There’s maybe 10-20 percent you can produce onsite for your own plant. But there's no BMW plant where it can produce onsite 100 percent of renewable electricity for use. We always needed to buy something. And thus the question: purchase or invest?


May:BMW was quite early and aggressive in setting carbon emission targets and energy targets within production. Why were you setting those metrics so early?



[Editor's note: Pete May is president and co-founder of GreenBiz Group. This interview is part one of two of GreenBiz's conversation with Jury Witschnig about BMW's sustainability strategy. Watch out for the next one Oct. 4.]

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