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How to achieve Employee Engagement 2.0

Taking employee engagement to the next level and embedding sustainability into the business has been a common theme discussed in recent webinars, panels and行业会议。However, while people recognize the challenge, the question of how to implement it remains.

Enter Employee Engagement 2.0.

Employee engagement is one of those wonderfully amorphous concepts whose importance we appreciate before we fully understand what it means. We believe it can drive productivity, inspire and attract employees, increase profitability and make companies a better place to work, as well as better corporate citizens. Yet, while many companies pursue a variety of initiatives, few have reached a tipping point where sustainability gets embedded in corporate culture and daily business operations.

Sustainability gains have been incremental because few individuals beyond a group of dedicated true believers have the knowledge, incentive or tools to integrate sustainability into job functions and everyday decision-making in the organization.


Currently, employee engagement usually focuses on voluntary efforts involving people of like-minded interest, with most activities remaining at the organization’s periphery. A common attitude expressed by mainstream managers and employees: “It’s not part of my day job.” Sustainability efforts get stymied, leaving many leaders frustrated and seeking new approaches. We refer to this current state of practice as Employee Engagement 1.0 with key characteristics summarized in the table below.


员工敬业度2.0, as outlined in the table above, represents the future state of art of sustainability practice. To get there, companies must link sustainability to business strategy, operating processes and work functions, engage mid-management and make it relevant to one’s “day job.” In doing so, employees will be better able to see the possibilities that exist and take actions that contribute to the overall success of the organization, regardless of whether they are true believers.

这secret sauce



U.S. Postal Service(USPS) provides an excellent example of such alignment. USPS defines five over-arching sustainability goals in waste reduction, energy conservation, fleet fuel reduction, recycling, water use and consumables spending. It also defines and implements a set of actions and behaviors that address how a variety of operating roles and functions feed into these goals, including plant and maintenance managers, fleet managers, operations, procurement, marketing personnel, postmasters and executives. Each group receives targeted learning and awareness building programs to support these activities. TheOffice of Sustainability team还跟踪和监视进度报告more than $52 million in savings去年 - 这一数字仍在增长,并且主要是由于由员工领导的倡议所引起的。

这nice thing here is that the sustainability organization also can point to financial results and use it as justification for further program investment.

TD银行也提供了极好的case studyof internal stakeholder alignment and engagement. In seeking to balance employee engagement programs with corporate business and environmental objectives, the sustainability team参与内部利益相关者在跨职能计划会议上,以获得全面的计划,目标,角色和职责的获得和双赢,将可持续性参与与业务指标的指标联系起来,例如创收,降低成本,员工满意度和品牌竞彩足球app怎么下载维护。



Getting started



另一个例子是Landmark Group of Builders Ltd., a Canadian building company that provided a product team of 90 people with a short online learning program from theSustainability in Practice基于角色的学习库。使用程序中的交互式反馈元素,他们在培训的前三个月中捕获了132个新想法和建议。该公司还继续处理许多其他功能,因为它试图将自己定位为领先的绿色建筑商。

All of these programs have mid-management support and substantial business impact on the core of the organization. They also lower environmental impacts and engage thousands more employees who otherwise might not be engaged.



School of fish image by Khoroshunova Olga via快门
