
Herman Miller,Humanscale加入联盟对抗海洋塑料


"The broad impact is how companies are coalescing around issues they care about, in this case environmental issues, and how you can start to hyper-scale these types of solutions," said Oliver Campbell, Dell’s director of worldwide procurement and packaging. "Dell’s plastic use is literally a drop in the ocean, but by working together, we change some of the dynamics around the use of plastics. I can see this template being used in other environmental arenas as well."


"We’re taking mismanaged waste and turning it into managed waste-垃圾在地上,没有人关心或没有最终买家,所以它在大风暴期间才被洗净进入海洋,“执行董事沙丘the Lonely Whale那the ocean-focused nonprofit co-founded by actor and environmental activist Adrian Grenier.



孤独的鲸鱼作为召集人NextWave有限公司nsortium, announced Tuesday. It also includes furniture maker Herman Miller, carpet manufacturer Interface, Trek Bicycle, design and manufacturing firm Humanscale andBuzeo.,它将钓鱼线回收到滑板甲板,太阳镜和其他产品。

本公司已承诺测试在其产品中使用海洋塑料,并减少其运营和供应链中的原始塑料的消耗。(戴尔为NextWave和公司支付了会员费,并制定了其他货币和实物捐赠的启动资金。)联合国环境,伦敦动物园和新材料学院的5个Gyres Institute也参加了联盟。

According to Ives and Campbell, NextWave is considering several plastic trash hotspots in Indonesia that would serve as the source of ocean-bound plastics. The plan is for local organizations to collect discarded polyethylene terephthalate (PET), high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles and other plastics from roadways, riverbanks and beaches and take them to a collection center. There, the plastic will be sorted and shredded and then transformed into resin or possibly pellets at a recycling facility. Companies such as Dell will buy the processed material and transform it into products.

"Much of our usage will occur in China and this links up with China-based manufacturing plants," said Campbell.

Possible Dell products to be made from the ocean-bound plastics include packaging trays for laptop computers, package handles, cushions used in desktop computer packaging and other shipping materials.


NextWave估计它将防止超过300万磅的塑料 - 相当于6600万水瓶 - 在未来五年内到达海洋。

John Bradburn表示,通用电机认为潜力将回收的海洋塑料整合在包装,运输箱和汽车零件中,称为GM的全球废物减少经理。“与孤独的鲸鱼和戴尔一起工作,许多其他合作伙伴真的很令人兴奋,因为潜力可以利用数量和规模的东西,并真正影响,”他说。

Bradburn noted that recycling of ocean-bound plastics into products can be problematic due to contamination and sorting issues, but said that he believes new processes to make discards more widely usable will be developed.

We’re taking mismanaged waste and turning it into managed waste — trash on the ground that nobody cares about or has no end buyer.

Ives表示,财团正在为海洋塑料供应链建立环境和社会影响标准和认证。“毫无疑问,这次供应来自哪里,”她说。“公司本身将有很多开放对话框,他们的产品百分比是由海洋塑料制成的。这应该会给政府和消费者有很多信心,所以您不仅可以购买由海洋约束的产品plastic, but you know that it’s truly from mismanaged waste."


"In doing so, we’re growing the economics, creating more jobs and using resources that are available as compared to extracting raw material."


