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Greening from the ground up at Hilton

Nine months after taking over as general manager of the希尔顿芝加哥/橡树布鲁克山度假胜地和会议中心, Stefan Mühle is just part of the way toward reaching his goal of transforming the property into a uniquely green destination with a “boutique heart and soul.”

穆尔(Mühle)与旧金山酒店委员会共同创立了可持续竞彩足球app怎么下载性委员会,他知道一两件事关于绿化精品酒店。在担任总经理期间104-room Orchard Hotel in San Franciscoearned Green Seal and LEED certification. Transforming the Hilton Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort & Conference Center will not be as easy as it includes a 386-room hotel, 18-hole golf course, ballroom, amphitheater, outdoor pavilion and 39 meeting rooms.

他说,当穆尔开始新工作时,该物业环境计划的酒店部分“有点混乱”。缺乏运营一致性,因为该物业已经在另一个国旗下了多年,然后成为独立的。幸运的是,该物业的至少另一部分处于良好的绿色形状。这18-hole Willow Crest Golf Club golf coursehad become aCertified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuarythanks to the efforts of the golf club supervisor and golf pro.

In his first few months, Mühle said he gave department heads some ideas and started working on getting associates to change habits and behaviors. He said, for example, that it took time to eliminate Styrofoam and other disposable containers and plastics from the employee break areas and other areas of food and beverage operations. Overall recycling has improved and efforts have been made to be as paperless as possible.

Chef's garden at Hilton Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort & Conference Center

Recently hired chef Sean Patrick Curry keeps an edibles garden on-site, allowing for farm-to-table fresh honey and produce.


“Every department head has really stepped up,” Mühle said, citing the laundry as one area of operations that has been made more efficient. Thanks to a cold-water washing program introduced by one leading chemical supplier, hot water is no longer needed in washing and fewer chemicals are required. “From an operations perspective, they are confident they are using less labor,” he added. “There is less waste.”

With the hiring of Sean Patrick Curry as executive chef last fall, the property’s food and beverage operations have taken a decidedly sustainable turn. Curry, a big proponent of farm-to-table cuisine, previously had worked at the Marriott Naperville in Illinois and had developed contacts with more than 250 local farmers.


“I am a big proponent of farm-to-table,” Mühle said. “We are putting it everywhere. We are probably the only hotel in western Chicago to go this route. We completely rewrote our banquet menu.”



From an energy standpoint, Mühle said the property is relatively efficient. A lot of the equipment is original to the building, which opened in 1986.

Booster pumps recently were installed to help get water to the hotel’s extremities more efficiently. Guests no longer have to wait as long for hot water — and as a result, run their faucets less. High-efficiency lighting has been put in place. Public restrooms have motion sensors. Guestroom LED televisions are Energy Star rated. A Blue Energy Committee meets once a month and because the property has a Hilton affiliation, it participates in that company’sLightStay program. Utility data is fed into LightStay and later can be analyzed and compared with other Hilton properties’ data.

该物业是由投资组合酒店和度假村经营和经营的,很快将进行超过1200万美元的翻新工程。“我们目前有一个氯池,”穆尔说。“我们将通过紫外线治疗转变为盐水。我正在考虑将电影放在酒店阳光明媚的一面的窗户上。这将是60,000至70,000美元的投资,ROI约为18至24个月。我正在寻找能源管理系统。旧的班车已被新的梅赛德斯 - 奔驰蓝埃特柴油车取代。”

Mühle said he is also consideringputting in EV charging stations,但必须克服将电力收取的成本到达充电站的位置。

“I am still looking for things that will become attribute differentiators,” Mühle said, adding that the LEED Silver Hyatt Lodge at McDonald’s Corporate Campus in Oak Brook is really the only other very green property in the Hilton Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort & Conference Center’s competitive set.

This article first appeared atGreen Lodging News.

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