绿色力量预测:部分多云 - 短期

"Any time conventional energy prices drop, it impacts renewable energy spending," notes Ying Wu, senior analyst for Lux Research, a New York-based emerging technologies research firm. "Solar is more expensive now that fossil fuel prices have gone back down."
尽管几家太阳能公司由于融资而宣布了重大裁员,但总部位于华盛顿特区的太阳能产业协会的发言人莫妮克·哈尼斯(Monique Hanis)认为,三周前巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)签署的刺激计划将有助于改变一切。该措施包括能源部能源效率和可再生能源办公室(EERE)的168亿美元,增长了近十倍。
Three Reasons Why Renewable Energy is Worth a Second Look |
•新的联邦税收激励措施使可再生能源项目比以往任何时候都更加有益。分析师建议您可以利用这些激励措施来抵消项目总成本的一半。 • Many states offer further tax incentives and grants to promote renewable energy growth. Speak to your local utility company to identify resources, partnerships and other opportunities to offset the cost of renewable projects. •尽管化石燃料成本已经下降,但即将发生的气候变化立法和不确定的经济可能会发生价格波动。投资可再生能源是对冲成本的绝佳方式。 |
Lux analyst Johanna Schmidtke agrees. "The final stimulus bill offered a range of incentives for renewable energy," she says, pointing out the $6 billion earmarked to support loan guarantees for renewable energy and electric transmission technologies. The funds are expected to guarantee more than $60 billion in loans.
"You'll still see activity where there are federal and state incentives for solar," she says. Along with California, she expects progress to continue in Pennsylvania, Ohio and New Jersey, where government programs to support solar investment remain strong.
- 全球零售商沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)在1月份宣布,其墨西哥部门在墨西哥中部Aguascalientes市的Bodega Aurrera aguascalientes零售中心安装了1,056个光伏面板。
-- Kohl's, the specialty clothing retailer based in Menomonee Falls, Wis., is currently converting four of its nine stores in Oregon to solar power, and also has solar projects underway in California, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey and Wisconsin.
- 作为实现其所有新商店建筑预先认证的LEED金色地位的一部分,Office Depot将安装光伏太阳能电池阵列以抵消建筑物总年度能源成本的11%,并包括主动太阳能跟踪天窗,这些天窗可提供比以下光明商店的75%。这些计划将在未来的每个新商店建设项目中实施。
- 在其混合动力汽车的下一个重新设计中,汽车制造商丰田计划在车顶上安装太阳能电池板。即使关闭主发动机,面板也将为空调系统供电,并为其操作加油。
A Little Help from Uncle Sam
The new administration, along with the benefits included in the stimulus package, should boost all renewables industries, suggests Karlynn Cory, senior renewable energy analyst for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a renewable energy research and development lab in Golden, Colo.
The extension also allows utilities and businesses already paying the alternative minimum tax (AMT) to take advantage of that credit, which creates greater incentives to invest in renewable energy. In the past, those companies that took advantage of the AMT were not eligible.
She has spoken with major retailers and hotel chains that have already shown interest in investing in solar projects as a direct result of this change in the tax system.
较小的公司还在寻找与公用事业合作的方法,以利用类似的激励措施,而无需自己进行资本投资。这些合作伙伴关系允许公用事业在企业主的网站上建造和运营工厂,以换取固定的能源价格,北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的杜克能源公司发言人戴夫·斯坎佐尼(Dave Scanzoni)解释说。
"We've seen a lot of interest in this program," he says, noting that more than 500 customers contacted the utility about participating. "It's just a pilot program now, but it's a concept that in the long-term could address our clean energy needs."
Wind farms are not in as strong a position to benefit from all of these lucrative incentives. While wind project investors can currently take advantage of the production tax credit, a separate credit for wind is set to expire in December. That leaves owners of projects already underway scrambling to get them finished before the clock runs out, while investors with projects in the planning stages are slowing progress as they wait to see what happens next.
Most notably, T. Boone Pickens, the billionaire Texas oil tycoon who's been a champion of wind power for years, had to delay construction of his 4,000 megawatt $6 billion Texas wind project. He attributes the delay to the credit crunch and the falling price of natural gas. Construction was originally slated to begin in 2010, but it's now on hold until at least 2011.
"Our CEO is a big proponent of renewable energy for the future, and we are in a good capital position to invest in it," says Scanzoni. Along with two solar initiatives, Duke recently acquired two wind companies in an effort to grow that side of the business. By the end of 2008 the company generated 500 megawatts of wind power, including two new wind farms in operation. It has another 5,000 megawatts under development.
他还指出,杜克能源公司(Duke Energy)非常支持刺激法案和任何相关的税收优惠。他说:“这不会影响我们今天正在从事的任何项目,但是将来可能会有好处使我们能够更快,更便宜地实施技术,我们将能够通过这些好处向我们的客户。”
杜克(Duke)于12月与沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)达成了一项协议,以提供德克萨斯州的Notrees Windpower Project在德克萨斯州360家商店中使用的电力的15%。
"Wal-Mart has shown a commitment to a green future on a number of fronts," Scanzoni says. "For Duke, it's exciting when a major partner can commit to these kinds of projects on a large scale because it makes renewable energy that much more cost-effective."
He believes that as the cost of fossil fuels continues to fluctuate and stricter climate change legislation moves forward, other companies, large and small, will follow suit.
"There is one certainty in the electricity market, and that is that costs will go up, and while renewable energy is still expensive, it pays off tremendously," he says. "Global warming is a reality and if we want to keep our businesses and our planet going, these are the choices we need to make."
莎拉·菲斯特·盖尔(Sarah Fister Gale)是芝加哥的自由作家。