根据分析师Wood Mackenie的说法,储能存储在十年限定的繁荣中,容量将在2020年代到2020年的全球几乎在全球范围内成长到2030年。
增长将集中在美国,将在2030年之前弥补全球累积能力的一半,在365 GWH,分析预测,米前储能将继续占据年部部署,占用大约70%的全球产能增加到十年结束。
The U.S. front-of-the-meter market is set to surge through 2021 due to significant short-term resources planned before slowing slightly through 2025. Beyond 2025, growth will become steadier as wholesale market revenue streams grow and utility investment is normalized, the report adds.
In particular, utility resource planning in the U.S. is set to take a front seat for deployments over the coming decade, it says, in line with major recent shifts in utility approaches to renewables and storage, with the majority of utilities dramatically shifting planned resources towards renewables and storage due to cost and state-driven clean-energy goals.
“我们注意到2020年的部署减少了17%,比我们的前冠心病前景少了2亿元,”咨询的主要分析师Rory McCarthy表示。“我们预计20世纪20年代初期的增长,但增长可能会在2020年代后期加速,以实现可变可再生渗透率和电力市场转型。”
根据Wood Mackenie的说法,中国预计将看到储存能力的指数增长,占总累计产能的指数增长,占了2030年的153 GWH,占了2030年。
Le Xu的木头Mackenzie高级分析师强调“储存持有强劲的可再生能源增长”。