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“我们建造了一个带有玻璃墙的实验室。indiebio,,,,told me as we sat in the company's wide open basement workspace in the South of Market district of San Francisco.

Glass walls — it's a design philosophy that many animal rights activists have争论如果只有人们能看到产生肉的屠宰场,就可以改变世界素食主义者。

但是Indiebio正在采取不同的方法。"If we put a lightning rod in the ground and say we are going to fund the post-animal bioeconomy," Bethencourt, a self-described ethical vegan, explained, "then we’re going to create foods that remove animals from the food system."

他指出了我在加速器中的两个例子:Notco,一家智利初创公司,使用植物科学和人工智能混合创建蛋黄酱和乳制品,以及Finless Foods,,,,a two-man team using"cellular agriculture"创建实验室成长或“培养”的海鲜。后者只是开发中的几种新产品之一,它们不依赖实际的牲畜,而仅使用动物的几个细胞组织。



Could the 'post-animal bioeconomy' bring us the kind of sustainable and fair food system we’ve all been waiting for?

Just look at IndieBio alum孟菲斯肉,,,,a cultured meat company thatannounced上个月末,它筹集了1700万美元的A系列资金。备受瞩目的投资者包括比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)和股份公司巨头嘉吉(Cargill),他们似乎都没有妨碍任何实验室种植的肉类产品,但实际上还没有向消费者提供。

Major investment also has been pouring in for high-tech products made solely from plants. Hampton Creek, best known for its eggless mayo and dressings — and很多的争议involvingits embattled CEO Josh Tetrick — has been dubbed a "unicorn" for its十亿美元的估值。(该公司最近宣布正在加入培养的肉创新, 也。)

Products from Beyond Meat are in超过11,000家商店整个美国,部分由盖茨早期投资和2016年的支持处理泰森食品。门也是不可能食品的支持者,筹集了3亿美元以上since it launched in 2011 and has the capacity to churn out 1 million pounds of "plant meat" each month in itsnew Oakland production facility


Fake meat, Impossible Foods

但是,作为一个在过去十年中度过了大部分时间的人food justice researcher作家和活动家,挥之不去的担忧使我的热情保持了控制。事实是,食品科学家,公司和慈善家以前做出了巨大的诺言,但食品体系仍然一团糟。农民和工人继续边缘化,,,,环境不负责任的做法仍然是常态,动物是受虐待大规模,饥饿和粮食不安全的速度是令人震惊的高和慢性与饮食有关的疾病在全球范围内正在上升。

I find myself with mixed feelings about the whole enterprise. On one hand, I'm skeptical that these technological fixes automatically will lead us to some sort of agricultural utopia. But I'm also concerned that many who identify with the food movement might be missing out on the chance to shape the future of food because they're turning their backs on food science altogether.

根据荷兰瓦格宁根大学生物学哲学家Cor van der Weele的说法,他研究了对动物蛋白质替代品的公众认识,并且对该主题有一本书,我的反应远非独特。

她解释说:“很长一段时间以来,肉一直引起了极分化的辩论 - 您是素食主义者或坚定的肉类爱好者。”“培养的肉在破坏这些极性方面非常有效。它使矛盾情绪更加前景,这也使新联盟的形成可能。”



当我走进El Segundo时写作实际上是在墙上。设计时尚的海报概述了该公司的使命:改善人类健康;积极影响气候变化;解决全球资源约束;并改善动物福利。


艾米丽·伯德(Emily Byrd)补充说:“我们正在做的事实的整个天才是,您不必将任务牢记在于正确的事情。”好食品研究所,,,,a non-profit that promotes and supports alternatives to animal agriculture and works with companies such as Beyond Meat. "That's why writing efficiency into the process is so important."

食品技术支持者坚持认为,动物确实是将植物转化为蛋白质的生物反应器。They suggest we simply skip that step — either by building meat directly from plant sources or using a laboratory bioreactor to grow meat cultures.

It would be a clear win for animals, and one that could mitigate the negative environmentalimpacts of factory farming在全球需求不断增长的时刻。但是这对农民意味着什么?

For one, it would require a lot less corn and soybeans — the two crops that dominate this country’s farm landscape. Shifting the commodity system wouldn’t be easy, but Brown argued, "If you were to redesign the agricultural system with the end in mind of producing meat from plants, you would have a flourishing regional agricultural economy."


但是,在将这种类型的系统付诸实践时,仍然需要制定许多细节。伯德(Byrd再生有机农业。He suggests that the soil fertility-boosting power of diversified legume rotations, combined with a modest amount of艾伦(Allan)咸味的牲畜管理,可以结束工厂农场,以及大量喂养它的转基因玉米和大豆(以及除草剂)。


Even cultured meat advocates see a future that is better for farmers once we move away from raising animals for food.

荷兰科学家马克·邮报(Mark Post)说:“在我看来,农民是最终的企业家。”纽约还原峰会。“他们会从自己的土地上提取价值。需要它。”

哪些农作物和哪些农场会喂这些细胞?目前尚不清楚,因为到目前为止,培养的肉已经使用了一种可怕的产品胎牛血清做这项工作。以及继续使用动物测验,,,,it's one of the few ways that these food-tech innovators have been unable to move beyond using animals completely. Several companiesclaim they've begun to find plant-based replacements对于胎牛血清,通过汉普顿克里克(Hampton Creek)最近获得专利的复杂机器学习系统的发现协助黑鸟平台。但是知识产权使他们紧紧抓住细节。

As for how those crops — and others used in the production of meat alternatives — would be produced, there's not much more clarity. In my conversations with people in the food-tech world, the opinions on organic and regenerative agriculture ranged from strongly opposed to agnostic to personally supportive. But with the likes of Gates and Cargill playing an increasingly big role in the sector, it's unlikely that a wholesale switch toward these practices is on the horizon.



“我们希望看到人民手中的食品系统,而不是由利润驱动的公司手中的手中,”地球之友(Foe)的高级食品和技术运动者达娜·佩尔斯(Dana Perls)说。



某些植物性产品(例如肉类生产的产品)不使用转基因成分,这使Perls受到鼓舞。她认识到,从技术角度来看也不一定使用遗传修饰- 尽管将来可能会。但是她和其他人仍然感到不安:“在安全评估之前,有很多市场驱动的炒作推动了这些基因工程成分,并充分了解科学对科学的关注。”

关于healthfulness of highly processed alternative meats,,,,which often lack a strong nutrient profile. But food-tech advocates maintain that conventional meat products go through multiple layers of processing, too, even if the label doesn't always reflect it. And they are quick to note that meat is a major source of食源性疾病and has been与心血管疾病有关。

“ [我们的第一名驾驶员是遥远的人类健康状况,”肉的棕色解释说。“这绝对是将人们带入这个品牌的第一件事。”

植物性和培养的肉类生产者认为自己促进了可持续性,在需要方便和良好品味的世界中,有希望的健康选择。竞彩足球app怎么下载但是目前尚不清楚这些产品将如何普遍使用。例如,由Beyond Meat制造的植物汉堡在许多杂货店(包括Safeway)中出售。但是大约在每磅12美元,它们仍然比传统的碎牛肉贵得多,每磅的价格约为3.50美元,甚至比某些高端地面草食和有机碎牛肉的价格还要高,每磅的售价约为10美元。

所谓的食物沙漠中的居民和激进分子仍在calling for investments that provide access to fresh vegetablesand create local economic growth. Alternative meat producers insist prices will come down once their supply chain improves, but only a concerted plan to promote equity will stop the venture-backed food-tech industry from reinforcing such longstanding nutritional and economic disparities.

"The decision about what an equitable food system looks like shouldn't be determined by biotech itself," FOE's Perls argued. "We need to move with precaution, with transparency, and with a full understanding of what we're doing so that we can make sure that we’re moving ahead in a way that has more benefits than harm."


Let's talk things over

indiebiocompanies such as NotCo and Finless Foods say they want to communicate more with the public, helping to demystify new food technology and get people to become participants in the process of innovation.

Finless Foods联合创始人迈克尔·塞尔登(Michael Selden)说:“当您改变人们的饮食方式时,您必须非常透明。这就是我们在这里尝试做的事情。”“我一直是政治活动家。对我而言,这是我的食品活动主义的一部分。”


“在科学界,有一个想法,每个创新都会导致一个未来的世界,”研究食品正义和研究食品正义和的神学教授克里斯托弗·卡特animal ethics, 说。“但是对于许多有色人来说,创新和科学有时有有害,,,,or even come at their expense."


"If you have people at the table who are asking those kind of questions, and the people who are doing the innovation are actually taking them as valid questions, I think that could help mitigate some of the potential problems that are going to come up," Carter argued.

另一方面,对基因工程最顽固的批评者的必要第一步将是更熟悉这些新产品所涉及的基本生物化学。食品运动拥护者还应避免膝盖jerk反应romanticize "natural" foods同时对任何和所有食品技术创新进行了反派。




