
Forests as a climate solution? Yes, naturally

This article is sponsored by International Paper.

经过几十年的反森林运动,我们许多人可以在购买林产品之前三思而后行。但是木材使用本质上有问题吗?林产品是可再生资源;如果他们来自可持续管理的运营 - 并且浪费最小化 - 木材使用远非环境犯罪。研究also shows that well-managed forests often can store as much carbon as unmanaged forests, making innovative forest management methods a key solution to fighting climate change while supporting local communities and making a profit.

In fact, there is increasing evidence that one of the best ways to protect forests is to use them — about half of the planet’s remaining natural forests are managed for production purposes. A viable forest-based economy means more forests. More well-managed forests mean more carbon sequestered from the atmosphere — and that means a better chance at mitigating climate change. This means that the potential for alliances between the conservation and the forest product sectors is significant.

More well-managed forests mean more carbon sequestered from the atmosphere — and that means a better chance at mitigating climate change.

一个这样的联盟正在我们自己的组织之间形成:国际论文和自然保护(TNC)。我们今天宣布的我们的合作侧重于此作用碳的减少冲击测井(RIL-C), a set of practices pioneered by TNC that balance the economic needs of forest-based communities and businesses with environmental goals, especially climate mitigation.

RIL-C实践 - 例如减少森林道路的宽度,离开空心树木在特定方向上的落下树木,以产生较少的附带损伤 - 对减少排放具有令人惊讶的影响。在印度尼西亚,最近的独立审计报告发现二氧化碳排放量减少了50%,由商业运营商通过其特许权的商业运营商进行伐木。包括印度尼西亚和加蓬在内的一些国家正在考虑采用RIL-C实践,作为其国家气候减少计划的一部分,支持巴黎协定。


Carbon storage is just one of many benefits provided by the world’s forests — with the right techniques, managed forests filter air and water and provide a home for a diverse range of species. This carbon storage benefit is of a significant scale. TNC-led研究published last year indicates that forests offer the single largest "natural climate solution" — the conservation, restoration and improved land-management techniques that increase carbon storage or avoid greenhouse-gas emissions in landscapes worldwide.


Ril-C提供了最大限度地提高这些解决方案的最佳方法之一,同时仍满足消费者对木材产品的需求。研究由科学家团队进行,包括TNC,表明选择性伐木可以保留85-100%的森林的生物多样性,至少75%的碳。创造更多管理的森林,例如雇用Ril-C实践的森林,是重要的,因为减少一个区域的测井通常不会降低木材产品的需求 -but shifts it到其他领域,通常以非法伐木的形式。换句话说,最好的森林保护形式之一是改善森林的管理方式。


There is a business opportunity in adopting RIL-C practices. Smarter ways of managing working forests can improve their productivity, just as they can benefit the climate. Removing competing vegetation, more sensitive logging practices that minimize damage to the forest and longer cycles between harvests can promote tree growth.



国际论文提供的资金将有助于为各种热带地区开发Ril-C“工具包”。该项目开始于热带森林的丰富和密集的生态系统,因为它们是特别有效的碳汇。也就是说,这项工作也可能适用于温带地区 - 特别是在高度多样性落叶温带森林(如中央阿巴拉契亚人)中,那里有机会改进采伐措施。


Better forest management is our planet’s most promising natural climate solution and in the context of our partnership, it is both a conservation and a business strategy.
与这项工作扩大RIL-C的使用,和阿里gn RIL-C and credible forest certification, TNC and International Paper hope to expand sustainable, climate-smart forestry in critical forested geographies. Better forest management is our planet’s most promising natural climate solution and in the context of our partnership, it is both a conservation and a business strategy. Forests clean our air and water, provide economic well-being for communities, support biodiversity, provide forest products that people depend on every day — and serve as the world’s oldest and most provencarbon storage technology。这绝对是值得谈论的。
