
Durability and reusability are at the heart of circular packaging


公司发送的产品和包装成被设计成一次性的世界 - 只使用一次,然后扔掉 - 和消费者要求的一次性塑料制品的便利性,可及性和价格点。


Inexpensively made, disposable plastic offers consumers the ability to purchase, use and toss, instead of repair or reuse, and at a lower cost than their durable counterparts. As a result, people own more things than ever before and easily can replace them, allowing consumers to buy again and again and again.


Disposability is favored over durability in the global economy because it drives consumption. Many disposable items arelightweighted(made with less material or out of plastic instead of metal or glass), supporting mass production and increasing profits for manufacturers. The trade-off is that most examples oflightweighted和一次性项目被认为是大多数消费者的程序不可回收。


Disposability is favored over durability in the global economy because it drives consumption.
Even the ubiquitous water bottle, thrown away in the United States at a rate of 60000000个,每天塑料水瓶 ,经常在垃圾堆尽管被认为是可回收的结束。


This systematic tracking of human-made material — material that cannot be absorbed by nature — on a one-way path to disposal is where plastic becomes problematic.


The linear, take-make-dispose economic model has delivered profits, created jobs and met consumers’ desire for accessible, innovative and convenient products. But it is not sustainable.

Developing economies with a lack of waste management are most deeply awash in trash. That we might see more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050 is old news in light of the recent United Nations report that says we only have 12 years to steer ourselves away from climate catastrophe.

It is today’s consumers, not producers of these disposable items, who bear the brunt of this waste. Making their way into marine environments, plastics never fully degrade, leaching chemicals, releasing greenhouse gases and breaking down into microplastics, which are mistaken by animals for food and thus penetrate the human food chain and water supplies.


但同样,塑料是不可怕之处。尽管其单次使用的,一次性的配置价值放贷给企业外部化的环境,社会和经济成本,已注入的巨大价值,整个行业 - 用于包装,建筑,运输,医疗保健和电子行业的推动者。好用的买球外围app网站

塑料,或任何材料的马tter, is disposable is what is causing problems. Plastic was once considered an expensive material and used to produce high-value items. Prior to World War II, products were repaired and consumables refilled in durable containers through service models such as the milkman. By the time the war ended, a matured plastics industry was freed up to create a culture of consumerism and feed a new disposable economy.





Moving away from disposability and towards durability is the key to reducing waste and designing a more sustainable economy. Industry holds this key. It is the role of business to be a reflection of the needs and desires of consumers, who want access to the quality products and services they trust and, while they are at it, want to do the right thing.

Companies that understand this and are able to make it easy for consumers tap into an increasingly conscious consumer base and are poised to grow and profit by doing the opposite of their counterparts stuck in the linear economy. This shift is already taking place.

最大的消费品公司在全球都主动带领我们进入一个循环经济与TerraCycle合作开发全球,手机app买球靠谱吗first-of-its-kind shopping system called Loop. Through this service, consumers can shop for iconic and trusted brands such as Procter & Gamble, Unilever, PepsiCo, the Clorox Company, The Body Shop, Preserve and more — redesigned to be smarter and waste-free.


Through Loop, consumers responsibly can consume products in specially designed durable, reusable or fully recyclable packaging made from materials such as alloys, glass and engineered plastics — plastics researched and developed to be life-resistant, beautiful and far from disposable — saving energy, resources and diverting pollution with every use.

TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky is a featured speaker atGreenBiz 19,在这里你可以了解更多关于创意的循环经济战略手机app买球靠谱吗.

Changing perspectives around the value of our finite resources and the impact waste has on the planet can start with plastic. Plastic is valuable and worth capturing for recycling. It is useful and malleable enough to design for durability and certainly worth conserving. Plastic can be made for reuse and can exist in a circular economy, as can glass, treated paper, lab-grown leather and 3D-printed produce.


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