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Sustainability leaders of tomorrow must navigate complex systems and collaborate across disciplines to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Are we as a society prepared?

If the University of Michigan Dow Sustainability Fellows Program has anything to say about this question, the answer is yes. Started in 2012, this groundbreaking approach to education brings together students from across the university to solve local-global scale sustainability challenges in partnership with others in academia and practice. Though other university-corporate partnerships certainly exist, this one focuses on multi-disciplinary education focused on real-world problems as they relate to sustainability. We hope it will be a model for others to follow.

迄今为止,已有近300名学生已收到奖学金,以及360已经通过项目资助。现在计划校友应用他们在100多个企业和组织所获得的转移的技能。在我们纪念five-year milestone of the program(video), Dow recently extended support for this effort through 2020.

This renewed support affirms how the university, Dow and project partners have each realized benefits in supporting and collaborating with students in the following areas. Here are four of the benefits.




2. Preparing better employees


Through such training, the program provides graduate and professional students practical experience in addressing real sustainability challenges and prepares them to become effective leaders.

塔基•ng advantage of his educational background, a fellow majoring in business and working on a solar implementation project developed the financial structure for the project. Then, with his interdisciplinary team he managed the technical hurdles to get to an acceptable price point. In the process, he was also exposed to potential policy implications and various social issues. This interaction provided him with multiple viewpoints and the experience of considering stakeholder needs that will last throughout his career.

3. Tackling sustainability issues


University students gain by being connected to real-world issues and engaging in public discourse, seeing the real-world impact of their projects. Dow and other organizations gain by helping them along on this process and learning as they learn.

For example, students bring sustainability to relatively untapped opportunities. One project, for example, combined the professional insights of dental and medical students with impact evaluation methods from engineering, natural resources and business students; legal guidance; and social approaches from public health and social work. Students conducted pilot efforts to recycle plastics and switch to durable materials and developed a toolkit. Currently, they are working with national partners such as Practice Greenhealth and TerraCycle to increase the impact of this effort.

4. Seeking the best and brightest

The Dow Sustainability Fellows Program supports the best and the brightest students through a competitive application and selection process. It provides tuition support for future sustainability leaders to pursue their studies. Although not intended as a recruitment initiative, Dow and other organizations gain insight into the needs of new hires, and can tap into the pool of enthusiastic and high-achieving future employees. A number of fellows have interned with Dow with several securing long-term employment.

The program also provides an opportunity for the university to become more relevant and connected to real-world issues, and to engage in public and political discourse. As the program continues to evolve, it serves as a model for how interdisciplinary education and academic communities can work together with corporations, nonprofits and the government to address complex challenges.



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