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十亿都可用于发展国家的最先进的技术,捕捉二氧化碳从空气中,他们不会来接近优雅和已经在我们掌握的最大碳汇工具的成本效益 - 世界3 trillion trees。这听起来好像很多,但12.8万英亩净亏损 - 哥斯达黎加的等效面积 - 每年发生的,我们正在迅速地超过了在该森林能够再生的速度。

除了消灭整个生态系统 - 以及$ 33万亿美元的“服务”,他们提供诸如方便食品,水和空气的生产,减少风暴破坏和生产天然药物 - 砍伐森林是负责推动全球碳排放量的约17%,according在美国环境保护局。

And let’s not forget about the 300 million people who call forests home. Around half this number are indigenous peoples whose traditional lifestyles are at risk.

The United Nations prioritizes sustainable forestry management in the Sustainable Development Goals as akey component的减缓气候变化。我们的目标旨在“保护,恢复和促进可持续利用的陆地生态系统,可持续管理森林,防治荒漠化和制止和扭转土地退化和阻止生物多样性丧失。”

采取行动,制止毁林可持续采购的主要商品也由公司近90%的公认的商业机会,根据2014 CDP报告

The paper and pulp industry, while not the leading driver of deforestation — most of it can be attributed to the expansion of soy and pasture land, palm oil production and other agricultural activities — still plays a引人注目的角色

迈克尔·加西亚在GreenBiz 16

Domtar — recognized by many as one of the first significant sustainability players in the pulp and paper industry — has taken a collaborative approach with its stakeholders to develop an accountability structure that emphasizes performance over promises.

Foundational to Domtar’s sustainable forestry efforts are its"Sustainable Forestry Principles,"其中包括管理,要求在其所有交易的透明度,协作和问责制的纸纤维采购5个原则。这些原则是Domtar的可持续性通信平台的一个重要组成部分,竞彩足球app怎么下载EarthChoice,which the company says embodies its commitment to full circle responsibility, and encompasses the entire lifecycle of its products.

"The Sustainable Forestry Principles are part of our core values. It’s part of who we are. Our employees embrace it," said Michael Garcia, president of Domtar Pulp and Paper, at the GreenBiz 16 Forum during a workshop on collaborating in sustainable forestry management.


Domtar works with stakeholders to conserve forests for future generations, to protect the biodiversity of natural forest ecosystems and to promote sustainable management practices that minimize environmental impacts. This also includes adopting "reasonable alternatives" to limit the use of chemical pesticides. On the backend, Domtar is committed to quickly acting to regenerate the forests in which it operates.


"We have long relationships with leading environmental groups," Garcia said. "And while we may have different perspectives, we share the same central values of sustainability: We’re all working to keep forests forests in North America."


As an influential presence in many communities around the world, Domtar invests in its people, products and manufacturing facilities — all of which help keep its business sustainable in both senses of the word. This allows the company to maintain competitive wages and insurance coverage for employees, purchase materials and services from local suppliers and provide revenue to governments to support public schools, social services and public infrastructure.

In addition to the community benefits Domtar provides by simply doing business in a sustainable way, the company also has donated more than $6 million toward direct philanthropic efforts — which it calls "community investments." These investments typically focus on promoting literacy, health and wellness and sustainability.


Domtar’s demand for reliable, economical and marketable sources of fiber creates an incentive for landowners to prevent forest destruction, and avoid converting land to parking lots or other developments. This also leaves forests to continue providing their other environmental and social benefits, including the protection of water supplies, biodiversity, hunting, fishing and camping.


The forests in the southeastern United States contain globally significant conservation values, important watersheds and natural resources. Nearly 60 percent of these forests are owned by small landowners and families, according to the Rainforest Alliance, and changes in business patterns have increased industry dependence on these private forestlands for wood and fiber.

It’s not about deforestation, but keeping forests forests — we’re competing with other industries that want to buy land here but they don’t have that same commitment to sustainability.

"Our challenge in the pulp and paper industry is different here in North America than it is in developing countries," Garcia said. "It’s not about deforestation, but keeping forests forests — we’re competing with other industries that want to buy land here but they don’t have that same commitment to sustainability."

To promote sustainable forestry in western North Carolina, eastern Tennessee and Kentucky and southwest Virginia, Domtar, Avery Dennison, Kimberly Clark, Columbia Forest Products and Staples in May contributed to a $1.4 million grant to help the Rainforest Alliance engage local groups, woodland owners, foresters and other stakeholders about sustainable forest management and the Forest Stewardship Council Certification process for family woodland owners.


"Our foresters are engaging landowners, and because many of our employees are based in the south, they identify personally with our commitment to the land there," Garcia said. "Our true north is to always engage our supplier base and promote sustainable forest management.

“我们愿意把钱花在我们的嘴and be there for the long-term for landowners. This is a long-term relationship for us. Our mills have been based in the Southeast for 100 years now. We’re not going anywhere."

的计划,7月份正式开始,集中on four components: landowner outreach and education; streamlined sourcing assurance efforts; maintaining healthy forest ecosystems; and measuring and communicating project results.

It’s important to show landowners that the marketplace wants and values the wood from their well-managed woodlands.

"It’s important to show landowners that the marketplace wants and values the wood from their well-managed woodlands," said Andrew Goldberg, project manager of the Rainforest Alliance’s Southern Woodlands Alliance Project. "This program connects woodland owners with corporate partners and shares solid information about effective management of their woodlands."

"In the naturally regenerating hardwoods of our project area, for woodland owners, well-planned logging means that they don’t have to worry about it again. Years from now, the next generation will have their own chance to responsibly harvest their family forest land."


"We work closely with Domtar to enhance our relationship with landowners. … It’s about having that kitchen table conversation and understanding how we can best support them," said Mark Buckley, vice president of environmental affairs at Staples. "And because Staples has the advantage of being close to the end user in our collective supply chain, we’re able to tell that story."

Safeguard endangered forests and wildlife

With the world’s forests under threat and more than half of the world’s wildlife having disappeared since 1970, according to the World Wildlife Fund, Domtar only purchases wood from "High Conservation Value Forests" if it is legally harvested based on conservation regulations and requirements. The company also makes sure that suppliers take specific measures to ensure the protection of these forests.


Domtar的目的还在于通过实现和维护连锁的保管认证认可的第三方标准,以提高其认证纤维的供给 - 主要是森林管理委员会以及可持续林业倡议和森林认证的认可。虽然Domtar的偏爱FSC在那里,它采用光纤从多个认证方案。


With so many millions of indigenous peoples residing in forests, it’s impossible to call yourself a sustainable paper company without factoring their福利为你的商业模式。这就是为什么说Domtar的它保持在这股普通公共土地区“尊重,合作关系”与土著社区。

The company also encourages suppliers to develop and maintain working relationships with indigenous and other local communities to help ensure that the benefits of its operations remain in these communities. This can create long-term value for Domtar and indigenous communities alike.

In Ontario, Canada, for example, First Nation communities are invited by the Minister of Natural Resources to participate on Domtar’s Forest Management Planning Team, which provides the company with a formal opportunity to hear and understand First Nation values and to put in place appropriate mechanisms to ensure those values are respected. Likewise, First Nation communities are represented on Domtar’s Public Advisory Group, which discusses a range of topics and interests related to the Crown Forests, which Domtar manages on behalf of the province of Ontario.
