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The McDonough Conversations


This is the latest installment in a regular series of conversations with威廉·麦克唐纳@billmcdonough), designer, architect,author和企业家。查看以前这里列

这段对话中,两个部分发生了 - 第一次只是在瑞士达沃斯上个月的世界经济论坛会议,并从达沃斯会议期间第二对话之前。


比尔·麦克唐纳:Last year, I was able to do a workshop for 100 leaders on "Cradle to Cradle" and "The Upcycle." And the CEOs and NGO heads that were there could work over the fundamental ideas of material qualities and products that had new business models — reverse logistics and products as services — as well as new design for reuse instead of "end of life."

So we got rid of the idea of a product’s end of life, because most things aren't alive. Now, it’s about the idea of next use for products and materials. One way we like to express this is to call it “endless resourcefulness.”



麦克唐纳:The World Economic Forum has 88 global agenda councils on various topics and interests around the world. And they decided to create six meta-councils to focus on overarching considerations. They decided to have a Meta-Council on the Circular Economy, which is really exciting. WEF asked me to be its chair.



麦克唐纳:We first met in Dubai this fall — all the global agenda councils were there. We were organizing around which issues we can take on together and what we see going on in the world of commerce and policy.

Makower: What is the output of all this? I think there's a perception that Davos is a talk shop, that nothing really tangible comes of it.


Davos has the potential to do things that are quite potent, especially when we articulate them in practical business terms and in ways that can positively influence public policies. Our ability to focus on these issues from an economic and business perspective can start to articulate the ways that we can design things that — and this is fundamental, Joel — do not require regulation because they provide multiple term compounding benefits with nothing for society to fear. Waging peace through commerce.

It's not only about people talking about economics and policy. It's how to use commerce as the engine of change. It becomes very creative.



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麦克唐纳:From a personal and professional perspective, I was delighted to see how many programs related to Cradle to Cradle and the circular economy. It was quite astonishing, really, after 20 years of talking about these things. The thing that struck me was the number of sessions in the main program that were part of this, though they weren't necessarily articulated as such.

Makower: Can you give me some examples?

麦克唐纳:One was called “Wasteless Supply Chains.” It was quite amazing. You had Peter Bakker, head of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, moderating a conversation with the person focused on circular economy policy at the EU, discussing why they took out circular economy a couple months ago from the EU legislation and hope to introduce an even more robust version.

And David Cheesewright, the president and CEO of Walmart International, talking about Walmart's goals for 100 percent zero waste. So, there it is again. And the head of Carlsberg, who has been working with Michael Braungart creating a circular economy community using Cradle to Cradle principles for packaging, holding up the very first sample of a biopolymer beer bottle made from wood.

So that was my marvelous delight, to see the issues we've all held so urgently curious for so many years actually becoming mainstream. They're just business as usual now. That’s the cool part.


麦克唐纳:Well, then, it's business as unusual. But it's not considered eccentric.




Is that slow? Sure. Is it hard? Yes. Is it taking time? Of course. But there's an industrial sector, buildings and furniture, that has adopted it. So there's an example and there's a focus and there's detail.

Makower:那你在谈论的例子是在设计和制造方面,这并不一定是真正的影响发生。公司的最大影响是上游 - 原料和林业和农业。如何一切成为循环经济的一部分?手机app买球靠谱吗

麦克唐纳:我们正在与圆看是真实的再利用和再循环 - 甚至升级改造。和去想它的方法之一是,我们使用这个语言。看循环经济的一种方法是简单的,几乎像一个口号:手机app买球靠谱吗“把重新放回资源。”



其中最深刻的言论我听到在达沃斯was from Ernesto Occhiello, a chemist and EVP for Technology and Innovation from SABIC, the Saudi chemical company. He had a very elegant way of talking about the issues of concentration and dispersion in terms of the ability to work in this context. One of the reasons logistics are so important is we need to be able to concentrate, including things like take-back systems and recovery systems. We clearly need to design business models that re-concentrate many materials, rather than just let them disperse.

一个明显的例子,塑料污染海洋,是一种分散体 - 作为值被丢失正在创建的污染。从商业的角度看它 - - 的企业在达沃斯怎么现在谈论的是保持在重复集中流动的东西这个概念它真的相当强大和有效的前景。

听到更多关于数十亿美元的企业如何如百事可乐。正抓住在相关的循环经济机遇手机app买球靠谱吗GreenBiz Forum 15
