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Could this be the turning point for green hydrogen?

HydroFlex Train

Prince Charles tours a converted train in Glasgow Central during COP26. The total capacity of the HydroFlex system is 800 kilowatts, split between the fuel cells and the batteries, which can be recharged in a matter of 15 minutes. Photo courtesy of Porterbrook/Devlin Photo Ltd.

This article was adapted from Climate Tech Weekly,a free newsletter focused on climate technologies

My biggest geek-out moment during the COP26 gathering in Glasgow, Scotland, last week came in the central train station, where I had the opportunity to briefly tour a 30-year-old passenger train retrofitted to run on hydrogen fuel cells and lithium-ion batteries — up to 300 miles at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour.




在所谓的H2Zero倡议下,,,,至少11吉瓦的绿色氢生产能力by 2030 was committed to by five companies, with the biggest pledges coming from Engie, Iberdrola, Enel and EDP. If used to replace grey hydrogen, the pledges could reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 14 million tons annually, according to the initiative. The potential for avoided emissions: 190 million tons of CO2 annually.

这pledges also include an existing commitment by fertilizer company Yara, which is building澳大利亚的工业规模的绿色氢植物与Engiein a bid to change the way it produces ammonia.

Hydrogen hype

“净为零的氢”报告released in early November by the Hydrogen Council and McKinsey estimates that renewable and low-carbon hydrogen could contribute up to 20 percent of the carbon abatement necessary to limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius by mid-century — that’s roughly 80 cumulative gigatons of CO2.

麦肯锡高级合伙人伯恩德·海德(Bernd Heid)表示:“氢气的势头继续加速:宣布的2030年电解能力今年增加了一倍,宣布项目投资增加到1600亿美元,对生态系统的总投资估计超过三倍。”在声明中。“在达到我们脱碳承诺的道路上,到2030年,干净的氢需求可以增长到75吨;其中,三分之二将源于钢铁,工业,行动,流动性,航空和海上等新市场。为了满足这一新需求,我们将看到新的能源枢纽的出现和全球价值链,这些链使氢市场能够到本世纪中叶的当前规模七倍。”

这momentum in hydrogen continues to accelerate: Announced electrolysis capacity for 2030 has doubled this year and announced project investments increased to $160 billion ...

An example of what that might look like is a wind-powered green hydrogen facility in Bouin, France, being developed by startup Lhyfe.这company announced a fundraise of $57 million in early Octoberto ramp production from 300 kilograms currently to more than a metric ton per day. The fuel will be used to power a fleet of 50 heavy vehicles, buses and garbage trucks from nearby communities. The company said it has 60 similar projects under development in Europe.

As I was finishing up this essay, concentrated solar company Heliogen and fuel cell company Bloom Energy announced演示项目的成功结果,以创建低成本的绿色氢。Heliogen首席执行官兼创始人Bill Gross告诉Fast Company:“由于氢的价格归结为有一天比天然气便宜,” Heliogen首席执行官兼创始人Bill Gross告诉Fast Company。

Can all this hydrogen hype hold water? After all, hydrogen has been offered up as a holy grail for decarbonization for decades. In a statement issued during COP26, Esben Hegnsholt, managing director and partner at Boston Consulting Group (BCG), noted that the support for hydrogen alternatives is still nascent.

"If hydrogen is to achieve its full potential, it must become less expensive and more efficient to produce, distribute and use," he said. "Companies need to focus their hydrogen investments on use cases where cheaper technologies are not suited and where low-carbon hydrogen can be deployed at scale. For their part, governments need to develop a regulatory regime that encourages the deployment of low-carbon hydrogen at scale and in the right areas, and they need to ensure the build-up of the right infrastructure such as transport pipelines and hydrogen ‘gas stations.'"

its own analysis of the green hydrogen opportunity(published in April), BCG projects that the technology could reduce 5 to 6 gigatons of greenhouse gas emissions annually by using clean hydrogen for chemical production and refining, for fuel cells in heavy vehicles and as a reduction agent in iron and steel processes. It figures that it would require about 600 terawatt-hours of renewable energy to power these new electrolyzers — a significant new generation demand.

然而,目前,资本支出并不适合胆小的人。目前,从可再生能源生产氢的价格约为每公斤5美元,这是一个启发美国能源部推出该氢的指标。氢射击挑战in June. The goal: Reduce that cost by 80 percent to $1 per kilogram within one decade.

当您将其与其他气候技术类别进行比较时,绿色氢的风险投资比目前的洪水更为易。突破性能源冒险正在支持一对夫妇,包括EvolOH(which is working on an electrolyzer) andVerne(在存储系统上工作)。最近,亚马逊气候承诺基金以6,900万美元的无限投资者成为首席投资者,它将使用可再生能源产生绿色氢作为燃料。

Another initiative to watch is theLow-Carbon Hydrogen Accelerator,,,,launched last week by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Shell and the city of Houston along with two respected early-stage climate tech incubators, Greentown Labs and the Urban Future Lab. The six-month program is focused on supporting startups focused on production, storage and distribution, or new business models for supply chains — there are tracks for validation and demonstration.

"If we can improve the devices and processes that will be used to make, transport and store clean hydrogen in the future, it can become a cost-competitive fuel," said Urban Future Lab’s managing director of cleantech initiatives, Pat Sapinsley, in a statement. "At the same time, these advances can improve the capacity factor of renewable generation, producing multiple economic and climate benefits."

Applications for the Low-Carbon Hydrogen Accelerator are open until Feb. 9.

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