



By shining a light on the carbon embodied in building materials, the Buy Clean Colorado legislation will increase demand for low-embodied-carbon products.

It is unlikely that you know how much carbon was produced by making your driveway. But if you did, you might think about ways to build it better.

这就是科罗拉多州州长贾里德·波利斯(Jared Polis)于7月6日签署的“购买清洁科罗拉多州”立法的概念。根据新法律,未来的公共建设项目将必须满足使用七种常见建筑材料的明确环境标准。

通过HB21-1303: Global Warming Potential for Public Project Materials(购买清洁科罗拉多州立法的正式名称)科罗拉多州加入了一群越来越多的州追求碳减少的机会:在公共建筑和道路上的碳“体现”。在到2030年到2050年的目标是将排放量减少50%,科罗拉多州的排放量是美国各州中最雄心勃勃的气候目标。这项立法将帮助州实现这些大胆的目标。

What is embodied carbon?


What is Buy Clean Colorado?



Industry impact

By shining a light on the carbon embodied in building materials, the Buy Clean Colorado legislation will increase demand for low-embodied-carbon products. In Colorado today, materials with lower global warming potential are already available and being used. It is possible to purchase two products with identical structural and performance characteristics, but with greatly varying amounts of embodied carbon. By establishing preferential purchasing for low-embodied-carbon materials, a new class of product is defined as desirable. The construction materials industry has generally welcomed this opportunity to expand their offerings.


While there are always costs associated with product improvement, many low-embodied-carbon versions of construction materials come at no cost premium. Analyses by RMI and others have shown that it is possible to reduce the embodied carbon in building projects by 30 to 50 percent at low to no cost, simply by specifying low-embodied-carbon materials. With further design work and material substitution, it is possible to have even greater positive impact. Using materials with higher recycled content, or more localized materials that reduce the need for transportation, can reduce costs as well as embodied carbon.


Will it make a difference?

Cement is estimated to be responsible for 7 percent of global CO2 emissions. Reducing the embodied carbon in cement alone to the current cost-effective level can have an enormous impact locally and provide substantial contributions to Colorado’s ambitious climate goals. In addition, the new bill will encourage manufacturers to produce more products that have less environmental impact.




