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From Colorado to New Mexico to Kansas, new governors seek the next clean energy frontier


In three states — Colorado, New Mexico and Kansas — the newly elected governors have the potential to change policies or processes that may make their states and constituents catalytic in the clean energy revolution. In these states, the curtain is rising on a new era of clean energy.

政府。Jared Polis(D-Colorado),Michelle Lujan Grisham(D-New Mexico)和Laura Kelly(D-Kansas)都是特别有趣的作用,它们可以塑造清洁能量的增长。

"We congratulate the winners of the recent midterm elections and look forward to working with them to build upon the wind-power success story in their states," said Tom Darin, senior director of western state policy at American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). He said AWEA sees wind power as having a bipartisan constituency, given the fact that it results in payments to farmers and creates jobs in various locations.

The key question for advocates is: Will promise turn into policy?


这很重要,因为美国可再生能源的两个主要驱动力 - 风能的生产税收抵免和太阳能发电的投资税收抵免 - 计划在未经联邦行动的未来几年中倾斜。

In 2018, the solar market again saw expansion across the United States. According to Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the market添加截至2018年第三季度,达到全国安装60 GW的总能力超过1.7 GW。

Wind energy continues its strong growth in the United States as well. In 2018, the wind industry had added over 1.6 GW of capacity for the year at the end of Q3. In total, the United States nowhostsclose to 90 GW of wind energy.

As prices continue to fall, potential solar projects are now possible across the country,according to Lazard。但是,政策举措取决于这些项目的地理位置。

"A lot of energy-market decisions happen at the state level," said Jennifer Helfrich, manager of state policy at Ceres. "The federal level has the power to push for larger initiatives such as the Obama-era Clean Power Plan. However… the state policy opportunity is much larger."

Colorado begins an ambitious effort to introduce new power sources

"The midterms were good news in some ways and didn’t change the game that much in other places," Helfrich said. "Colorado is a good example. Gov. Polis is one of five governors who ran on a 100-percent-renewable energy platform. This is the first time in the history of our nation that governors have used that in their campaigning."

在新落后的州长,波利斯可能拥有最雄心勃勃的国家。波利斯有calledfor 100 percent of Colorado’s energy to come from renewable resources by 2040. According to the Energy Information Agency,around20 percent of the state’s electricity generation came from renewable energy resources in 2016.

在当前政策方面,科罗拉多有localrebates for solar power and tax exemptions for renewable energy.

According to Ceres, transportation is one area Polis will focus on in the year ahead. The Colorado Department of Transportation predicts that, by 2020, Colorado’s transportation sector will account for 33 percent of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Currently, Colorado has a Low-Emission Vehicle Standard that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and smog-forming pollutants from passenger vehicles. As a next step, Colorado is looking into adopting a Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) program which would require about 7 percent of new vehicle sales in the state be electric vehicles by 2025.

Helfrich said one of Polis’s first acts as governor was an executive order mandating that Colorado’s Air Quality Control Commission move forward on the consideration of the ZEV program by May. This would allow Colorado to take the lead on capturing the economic-development potential of electric vehicles.



While Polis has said the 100-percent-renewable goal by 2040 is "aspirational," some key recent moves could make it a reality. Most prominently, Xcel Energy, the state’s major utility, became the first utility toannounce将碳中性为2050年的计划。

Helfrich said this Colorado move is "unique." This is not just because Xcel Energy’s plan would help the state recalibrate its energy portfolio towards more renewable energy. Xcel Energy’s Colorado Energy Plan also would lead to the early retirement of two coal plants. This would result in paying off the loss of those plants early.

Helfrich表示,这使得Xcel Energy在可再生能源和能量储存项目上获得了记录低出价来实现。这些清洁能源资源是如此实惠,即该效用在从头划分比划痕更清洁的能量更便宜,而不是继续经营其计划退休的两种煤炭厂。这些可再生能源和能源存储项目的成本效益显示了清洁能源的经济学如何在全国范围内移动。


新墨西哥has scarce solar incentives but plentiful solar opportunities


“哥州陆家格兰姆热烈觉得我们目前不能依赖联邦政府,”州长发言人诺拉萨克说。“各国应领导抵抗气候变化和实施清洁能源政策的指控 - 因此,这是她平台的重要组成部分。”

Policy-wise, there’s a lot of work to be done. While New Mexico优惠太阳能和净计量的私人税收豁免,即使用太阳能辐照度较少。需要完成工作以激励开发人员将额外的太阳能项目带到该州。

During her campaign, Michelle Lujan Grisham said New Mexico should become a leader in clean energy. Currently, the state has about 777 MW of solar energy installed,accordingto SEIA.

The administration hopes to invest in transmission infrastructure and explore interstate energy markets, such as exports to high-demand markets such as Arizona and California.
Sackett said Lujan Grisham will have a few clean energy-policy priorities. She has said she hopes to raise New Mexico’s Renewable Portfolio Standard to 50 percent by 2030 and 80 percent by 2040.

In addition, the administration has said it hopes to invest in transmission infrastructure and explore interstate energy markets. The governor also wants to have the state export to high-demand markets such as Arizona and California.

During Lujan Grisham’s State of the State Address, she also committed to a methane-mitigation rule. She also said the state will join the U.S. Climate Alliance to show New Mexico’s commitment to climate and energy goals.

"Gov. Lujan Grisham is committed to making New Mexico a leader in clean energy across the board," Sackett said. "This includes investing in clean energy infrastructure like wind and solar, raising the Renewable Portfolio Standard, growing the green jobs workforce in New Mexico with specific education and training programs, and implementing methane mitigation."

Kansas has a small renewable energy base but an interesting political dynamic

When Gov. Laura Kelly took office in early January, she inherited a state with perhaps one of the most interesting energy mixes in the country.

According to the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC), which oversees utility regulation in the state, half of the state’s electricity was动力2017年煤炭资源。

The second highest power source is wind energy, which makes upnearly所有州的三分之一的发电。能源信息管理局指出,堪萨斯在风能中引发了充电,2017年风力产量的五大国家排名。

When it comes to state policy for both solar and wind, Kansas has been offering renewable developers and consumers very little. While Kansas offers aform净计量和可再生energy tax exemption, there is very little in terms of incentives or rebates.


Wind energy is plentiful due to the natural environment of this Great Plains state, but Kansas only had a mere 27 MW of solar installed as of Q3 2018.
With a divided government, Kansas is unlikely to push forward massive renewable energy legislation. However, having a Democratic governor is likely to result in her appointing two commissioners whose perspective she supports to the Kansas Corporation Commission.

During a debate in the run-up to the election, Kellysaidshe would nominate commissioners who "keep the consumer in mind" as well as paying attention to the companies that they are responsible for regulating.


In the past, these commissioners have rejected plans from utilities that would account for these efficiency changes. Now, Helfrich said she believes that Kelly can select commissioners over the next few years who can change that trajectory over the long term.


虽然谷神星没有从事堪萨斯我t has in other target states, Helfrich said that she is aware Kelly believes climate change is happening and knows that it is a big issue. Kelly has expressed support for wind power in the past.

The last major energy law was passed in the United States Congress in 2007. Since then, while efforts have been made by the Obama and Trump administrations through executive actions or unrelated bills, states have had to adjust to shifting federal policy priorities.


With the continued decline of installation costs for solar and wind, itappears possiblethat state markets that did not have heavy policy levers previously can take advantage of these cost declines.

"Upgrading and expanding transmission infrastructure is a key area where progress will help meet consumer demand for low-cost clean energy and provide new economic-investment opportunities in rural America," Darin said when he described AWEA’s hopes for what the new governors will focus on in terms of wind energy policy.

As always, the devil is in the implementation. Yet in two years’ time, the list of states with successful clean energy markets may surprise you.


Explaining the role of Ceres and other advocates, Helfrich said: "Our role is to help [companies] identify the policy barriers and where they can shift them… to show decision-makers that this is about economics."

This story first appeared on:

Clean Energy Finance Forum

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