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The climate rebellion inside Amazon

当凯瑟琳德林格五年前搬到了太平洋西北地区采取的位置在亚马逊,她焦躁了亲戚朋友在弗吉尼亚州回了家successive hurricanes破了东海岸相距沿海城镇。


"I was really freaking out," she said. "All I could think about is I have this little baby who is breathing this stuff in any time I take him outside. What’s his future going to be like? I just have these moments when I’m so scared for him."

The balm for Dellinger’s climate anxiety came from an unusual place: her job. In addition to her day-to-day duties as a user experience product manager for Amazon’s stores, she is working with colleagues to push the tech giant to take a stand on climate change, always with her son in mind.

"The least I can do is tell him that Mom’s working on something," she said. "Mom’s trying really hard to make this better for him."

亚马逊has made public gestures toward dealing with climate change. In 2014, the companyannouncedit would power its data centers with renewable energy. Four years later, it rolled out another initiative,出货零与由2030年50%的从发货削减二氧化碳排放量的目的。

But Amazon’s green credentials have come under fire in recent months. In April, Gizmodo报道that Amazon had begun marketing its cloud computing services to oil and gas giants such as ExxonMobil and Chevron. Amazon touted its products at an oil and gas industry conference this year, and it张贴广告在休斯敦霍比机场针对石油企业。


亚马逊并不是唯一拉拢石油巨头:谷歌和微软都求爱相同的公司,提供数据服务公司竞争ices to the industry. But Amazon lags behind its peers in tackling climate change in its core operations. The company consistently has received a failing grade from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for failing to disclose its emissions, while both Microsoft and Apple were recognized by CDP in 2018 for theirefforts解决供应链的排放。(谷歌的母公司,字母公司,也已收到favorable grades)。CEO杰夫·贝佐斯said在三月份,该公司将在今年开始披露其排放量,虽然会通过CDP使用其自己的框架,而不是报告。

今年早些时候,绿色和平组织报告found that Amazon largely has abandoned its plans to run its power-hungry data centers with renewable energy. The company’s data centers in Virginia  —  where many of the country’s tech companies drive their internet traffic  —  still only get 12 percent of their power from renewables. And Amazon’s aggressive plans for expansion, Greenpeace warns, also come without any accompanying measures to commit to more clean energy. (Amazon called the Greenpeace report "inaccurate" instatements provided to press.)

Previously, "[Amazon was] quite dismissive of renewables, but after hearing from customers and having crap answers for a really long time, they finally made a commitment," Gary Cook, a senior corporate campaigner at Greenpeace,告诉Gizmodo. "So in 2016, they started signing some pretty big contracts for solar and wind. Then they kind of stopped. 2017 was the last time they brought a major project online. Their growth was outstripping their supply of renewables then, in 2017, and since then, they’ve just stopped and growth has continued apace."

亚马逊的对气候变化没有百分度e unnoticed by employees.

"It’s so easy to just say, oh, we’re building some new solar panels here, but at the same time we haven’t actually reduced our emissions," said Rajit Iftikhar, a software engineer at Amazon. "That’s not gonna cut it."



"It’s surreal," he said. "You look up, the sun looks pink because of the smoke. You can’t see the blue sky at all. All you see is smoke."

In late 2018, Iftikhar and Dellinger were recruited to a growing movement of Amazon workers worried about the company’s lacking approach to climate action.

“这只是是有道理的,”德林格说,加入该组。"I love my job. I love what I do. I love solving problems for people. But one of the things that comes with solving problems for people is [the question]: Are we creating new problems? That’s just kind of been weighing on me."

今年四月,亚马逊的员工气候的公平,因为它们是已知的,发布了打开信封criticizing the company for making overtures to the oil and gas industry while promoting its own feeble efforts to cut carbon emissions. The letter called on Amazon to develop a plan to reach zero emissions, arguing that initiatives such as Shipment Zero aren’t doing enough to shrink the massive carbon footprint, and asked Bezos and the company’s board to endorse a climate plan shareholder resolution at its annual meeting.

When asked about the group’s letter and about the company’s actions on climate, an Amazon representative sent a statement that listed some of its initiatives, including Shipment Zero, said it would share more with customers on sustainability later this year, and stated it has a "a long term commitment to powering [the company’s] global infrastructure using 100 percent renewable energy." The company did not respond when asked for more specifics on this commitment.

As The New York Times报道,亚马逊的员工气候正义集团是世界领先的高科技工人迫使雇主采取行动的问题的应用越来越多。但是,当其他举措,如谷歌的大规模罢工in November over how the company handled sexual harassment, kept participating employees anonymous, the Amazon group made the unusual decision to publicize the names of the workers who signed the letter.


该集团上月会见了它的第一个重大挑战时,在该公司的年度会议上,亚马逊的股东拒绝了员工主导的提案,公司董事会反对后主动。贝佐斯还躲开了从组代表的请求,要求他与他们直接对话。出席会议并在讲话分辨率为员工留在黑暗中by a company representative as to whether their boss would be able to hear their proposal.

"I think he owes it to listen to his employees about this," Rajit said. "I’m disappointed that they’ve chosen not to listen to us."


Despite Bezos’s disappointing show, employees are treating the shareholder voteas a victory. More than 30 percent of the shares voted were cast in favor of the resolution, higher than any other climate or sustainability related resolution in Amazon’s history and far surpassing organizers’ original goals. The group has attracted national and international media attention for their efforts, and nearly 4,000 additional employees signed on to the letter between its publication in early April and the shareholder vote the following month.

"If you think about this initiative, it is still in the infancy stage. It’s less than a year old. But in that time, so much has happened," Dellinger said. "To see the number of employees [at the meeting] and then to see the number of employees that have started joining since [the meeting]… what I can see is that more Amazonians were like me than I realized."





