





每个人都希望ec致力于使气候变化和其他ESG报告的强制性,以及那些科技巨头 - 亚马逊,字母,Autelsk,eBay,Facebook,英特尔和Salesforce - 在一个方面说 -联合信他们支持这个。他们不支持的是包括备案中的信息,例如每年10-ks和季度10-qs,因为他们说,它可以打开昂贵的诉讼。


我不是律师甚至是法律记者,所以有人寻找对ESG诉讼风险的那种专业知识可能希望咨询只需点击一下的律师文章和报告 - 包括那些这里这里这里这里- 而不是读我的ramblings。





我也不是一名会计师,所以我会让一个人进一步解释。"The assumption that underpins the logic [for separating financial reporting and climate change reporting] suggests there are ‘free gifts of nature’ that a [company] is entitled to use without making compensation payment for the cost imposed upon society as a result," Richard Murphy, a professor of accounting at Sheffield University Management School and director of the Corporate Accountability Network,上个月写道在财经新闻。“在会计条款中,假设似乎是气候变化的成本不需要反映在报告盈利或损失的财务报表中,或者在公司的资产负债表上。”


墨菲写了这件作品,评论国际财务报告标准基金会创造一个新组织- 国际可持续发展标准委员会 - 为跨国竞彩足球app怎么下载公司建立全球气候报告标准。墨菲辩称,提议从基金会的核心工作中分离从基础竞彩足球app怎么下载的核心工作中的可持续发展报告清楚地表明,“他们不了解气候变化真正摆姿势的问题,”墨菲辩称。


虽然这件作品没有提及秒,但他的论点肯定适用于U ...的决定。机构面临的脸部分类了如何处理强制性ESG披露的详细信息。No matter the oversight body’s acronym, consumers and investors have the right to know the negative climate impacts and risks of the companies they support with their dollars — for a lot of reasons, including the fact that these impacts and risks have become quite relevant to a company’s financial performance.


首先,鉴于科技公司试图披露基于科技公司的公司披露,难以遵守的影响,难以遵守华盛顿的影响水平,我难以理解这些规定,没有某种法律安全网。估计和假设。D.C的企业盟友没有短缺。和SEC专员Elad Roisman已经拥有公开支持包括在ESG披露规则监督该机构的安全港规定。


So as long as any forward-looking estimates, projections and targets are carefully worded and include appropriate disclosures, which we all know corporate lawyers are perfectly capable of crafting, it’s also difficult to believe the courts will be overflowing with frivolous ESG disclosure lawsuits, and even less believable that we’ll see such lawsuits succeed.

最近Latham&Watkins ESG诉讼路线图确实包括一些成功诉讼的例子 - 针对英国石油,美国煤炭生产者梅西能源和巴西矿业公司Vale SA - 与美国证券法下的虚假陈述有关。在每种情况下,公司都声称向SEC和其他地方宣告,遵循各种事故(一些致命的),他们致力于安全,并正在实施安全改进措施。When subsequent accidents happened — the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that killed 11 workers, an explosion that killed 29 West Virginia coal miners and a dam breach at a Brazilian mine that killed 270 people, respectively — plaintiffs were able to show the companies’ statements on safety did not reflect their actions. In other words, they were lying.

The fact that L&W’s examples are egregious cases of neglect that resulted in horrible tragedies, not weightless lawsuits brought by disgruntled employees or vindictive investors, indicates that even with the heightened regulatory scrutiny that comes with U.S. securities law, companies rarely lose court cases related to public ESG statements. Unless, that is, they blatantly lie about how much they care about their employees and the environment and then fiddle while everything burns.


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