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California and the rise of ‘sub-national’ climate action

From its solar panel-adorned rooftops to the influx of Teslas now populating area carpool lanes to a strong organic food sector, California is well known for its stereotypical green reputation.

What's much less clear is how the state's aggressive emissions targets and growing cleantech sector really translate on a global economic scale, when stacked up against world powers like China, the European Union or the rest of the U.S.

The state more than holds its own, according toa new report (PDF)by think tank Next 10, which named California the No. 2 least carbon-intensive economy in the world behind nuclear power stalwart France.


The upshot: sub-national climate policies can complement economic growth, as they already have in California. The state has a GDP of $2 trillion, good for theNo. 7 biggest economyin the world, prompting Next 10 to analyze the state's global climate leadership ahead of the UN Climate conference slated for December in Paris.


在本周二,加州州长杰里·布朗还进一步调升,国家的作用,signing a multinational agreement与来自其他11个州和省限制温室气体排放量低于2摄氏度的领导人 - 即在其联合国气候科学家们预测的门槛,会释放无法弥补的伤害。



即使他们的国家政府没有达到在巴黎COP 21会议同意明年秋天,这些地区会。具体地,他们同意在2050年,减少温室气体的排放量从它们的区域80〜95%的程度低于1990年水平。




As of 2012, California was No. 1 for energy productivity, No. 2 in terms of total electricity generation from renewable energy sources and tied for No. 2 in adoption of electric vehicles.



也许不太奇怪,因为硅谷长大的清洁技术创业公司像SolarCity公司和尤伯杯的崛起,美国加州也获得了$ 11十亿价值的清洁技术风险投资资金的近一半的全球清洁技术专利2012年一个完整的7%发放了由加州大学申请居民去年。

“这里的概念正好发展经济和减少排放,”道格·亨顿,新的未来10报告的作者说。“我们认为这样做是创新的方式 - 用不同的方式做事”


尽管加州ag)已经成为了头条新闻gressive carbon-reduction targets for years — most notably with the 2006 passage of the Global Warming Solutions Act, AB 32 — which set a goal of rolling emissions back to 1990 levels by 2020.

Then, last month, Gov. Jerry Brown upped the ante by announcinga new objectiveof cutting emissions another 40 percent by 2030.

该州的主要城市也已经与当地的气候适应能力的战略实验的温床,旧金山,去年成为世界第一城聘请首席弹性官. Los Angeles, a city synonymous with urban sprawl, also最近发布a first-of-its-kind urban planning strategy that hinges on cutting emissions, saving water and deploying renewable energy in tandem with adding housing and transit options.

Other cities around the world, from New York to Tokyo, are also deploying local initiatives to combat the ill-effects of climate change, leading some to speculate that cities and states — bound by less bureaucracy and politics than national governments and international bodies — hold the real keys to action on climate issues.

That optimism is buoyed by the hype around smart cities technologies, which promise more precise sensor-based data on emissions, waste and other resources, in turn raising big questions about funding, private sector involvement and potential pitfalls like being overwhelmed by numbers or ensuring data security.


"We certainly hope that the Paris meetings in December are successful," he said of the upcoming COP 21 UN meeting. "I think that it works concurrently to have sub-national agreements."


"What’s particularly important is the dissemination of technical information," Perry said.


Report author Henton adds that state and local jurisdictions may also be wise to prioritize areas of climate policy where they are likely to have a larger impact.

"Particularly in the U.S., states have the ability to set standards for energy efficiency and renewable energy portfolios and how they regulate utilities," he said.

He singles out other notoriously politically-progressive states, including New York and Massachusetts, along with global renewable energy leader Germany, for taking proactive measures in these arenas.


The innovation question


Henton contends somewhat counter-intuitively that stricter regulation can actually help accomplish this lofty goal.

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Take California's solar industry.

The business of solar has mushroomed in the last two years after navigating financial volatility associated with the price of photovoltaic panels. Now, as energy users look to comply with emissions cuts, solar providers in the state have also deployed refined financial models to lower up-front costs and encourage investment, which is further encouraged by government incentives.



Ridesharing startups like Uber account for more than half of the $5.7 billion in cleantech venture funding invested in California companies during 2014, illustrating the broad potential of transitioning high-impact industries to carbon neutrality.

"In an ideal world — and maybe it will someday be that world — it would be possible to make all of our goods and services with no emissions," Perry said.
