
BMW accelerates into the circular economy

德国豪华汽车制造商宝马早已闻名的制造能力。但在消防制造业和重工业都为他们的高排放和缺乏透明度,许多企业都在寻求采取行动。在长时间的汽车制造商并没有什么不同 - 它的许多技术实际上是循环经济的做法,由再生材料到产品设计到商业模式的创新。手机app买球靠谱吗

I had the chance to visit the company's European headquarters and find out more about where transportation meets the circular economy. I sat down with Jury Witchnig, head of sustainability strategy for products and production in Munich, for an interview.

This interview is part two of Pete May's two-part interview with Jury Witschnig. Find the first part这里。这次采访已编辑的长度和清晰度。


评委Witschnig:手机app买球靠谱吗循环经济,一般来说,是一个非常广泛的挑战nition from recycling to designing for second use to avoiding buying and using products. So, if we talk about the production of our products, we mainly define circular economy as, where is the source of materials? Are they primary or secondary materials? And what is the recycling process for the materials at end of life? Can they be recycled? So it's a narrow definition of circular economy.


May: Are there any examples or any particular plants where you think BMW has been a particular innovator in circular economy?


In one plant, we’ve created a closed loop. We have a direct contract with our supplier. He gets back the direct steel from us, and produces the same quality of steel. It takes less energy to produce the steel this way, and we both can save money. And we want to make it a larger project.

In one plant, we’ve created a closed loop. We have a direct contract with our supplier.
Another example is the market for remanufacturing parts of the car. This is a really interesting market — it’s about how to take the materials and modules out of a car before they’re scrapped. The market is actually currently very small. We built a company, Encory, to work on that.


May: We’ve heard about that from other companies — the challenge of the last quarter of the loop.


And there we think future platforms like Encory can join together with other companies to get materials or parts out of a product and reuse them.



Witschnig:Going back a few years, we were the first in the market with electric vehicles, launching the i3 in 2013. This was a purpose-built car, designed from scratch as an electric vehicle. And it was a huge change in the industry. And we struggled with key questions like battery size and range. Other companies started — like Tesla, like Volkswagen, with their own products, and BMW waited on the development of the battery. We needed to show the benefit for the customer.


So, different cars are coming, every year more and more cars, so you can choose in the future from any line a pure electric vehicle. But today, already you can choose a hybrid electric vehicle.

So, it's a question between customer, technical developments and infrastructure. We believe that now is the right time for the customer to use the electric vehicle as it is built to be used. We are still the largest manufacturer in the premium market. We have many more vehicles sold in the last year, electrified vehicles, than any other premium auto maker. So, maybe we are not that loud but we have more products.


Witschnig:To develop a new car you need about six years. And if changing the architecture of a car takes much more time.


Witschnig:We are re-developing our strategy and we have more focus — we still have many internal efficiency targets, but we are also focusing now on the answers we got when we asked stakeholders: "What are you looking to us for?" And first of all, we want to see what the future is for climate-neutral mobility.

The second is materials. What is the future of circular economy for BMW? It's a global challenge but also a business challenge. The third is the other question of transparency — in sourcing materials, being able to say where they are coming from, how they are built, and the social and environmental aspects in purchasing materials.



Witschnig:They expect the possibility to use, but maybe they don't want to buy. So, we have to make them an offer. In the future, we have our four targets, and we see those four challenges for us as the future challenges, to say, "Yes, there will be climate-neutral mobility over the whole life cycle. It will be coming."

Editor's note: Pete May is the president of GreenBiz.

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