

Given its size and scale, if the U.S. federal government were a corporation, it would be the largest American business in the world.


That is why every presidential administration over the past three decades has chosen to lead by example by eliminating waste, conserving resources, expanding recycling and being better stewards of taxpayer dollars in all the places where U.S. civilian agencies and military facilities and installations operate and serve.

Together, we the undersigned are the former federal environmental executives and federal chief sustainability officers appointed by Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama; and for more than two decades we have worked together, building on each other’s accomplishments to advance each administration’s particular focus on energy and environmental leadership.



As the Trump administration considers how it will make managing the business of government more efficiently their own, we’d like to share three opportunities for leadership and three best practices for how to get it done that the Trump team could use to continue providing value to the American taxpayer while sustaining the government’s responsibility to lead.


Three ways to demonstrate leadership

First, to modernize American’s aging and vulnerable infrastructure, the Trump administration has an opportunity to work with the Department of Transportation, the Department of the Interior, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to break down silos within the government to expand the use of green infrastructure to prevent floods, manage stormwater and create better places for people to live at less cost.

Pouring concrete may be the conventional approach to build or repair infrastructure, but it’s not always the best. Examples from Oregon to Georgia demonstrate how infrastructure projects can leverage public-private partnerships and create green infrastructure that prevents sewer systems from overflowing into rivers during heavy rains, restores streams and fishing areas while treating water used by industry, or expand opportunities for outdoor recreation while improving transportation networks.

Secondly, continuing the federal government’s history of leadership in energy efficiency, the Trump administration has a ripe opportunity to expand the most successful public-private collaboration in the government, such as accelerating the Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) program managed by the Department of Energy.

Instituted by Congress more than 30 years ago, EPCs use private financing to fund energy efficiency improvements in Federal facilities, paid for by the resulting energy savings with no cost to taxpayers. Projected energy cost savings from the $4.44 billion in EPCs completed during the last eight years alone will exceed $8 billion — so the program also has a strong return on investment.

单单从$ 4.44十亿在在过去八年完成的EPC预计节省的能源成本将超过$ 8十亿 - 这样的节目也对投资回报率。

第三,建立在国防部的leadership working in collaboration with the Department of Energy, the Trump administration could help take the next wave of innovation in U.S.-developed advanced energy applications, such as energy storage and microgrid technology, to help make our country more resilient against cyberattacks and other potential energy market disruptions.

The military services already have deployed more than three gigawatts of renewable energy at about the same cost as or less cost than conventional energy. Their capacity and expertise gives the administration an important opportunity to leverage emerging energy technologies to support national security while also supporting American industries and jobs.





Finally, linking up with sustainability efforts in the private sector amplified our results. Many U.S. companies are leaders in corporate sustainability, a key indicator for quality management and shareholder performance. A rising tide lifts all boats, and working collaboratively to aggregate performance commitments and supply chain goals made it easier for both government and private sector leaders to reach them.



Fran McPoland (Federal Environmental Executive under President Clinton)
Jon Powers (Federal Environmental Executive under President Obama)
Christine Harada (Federal Chief Sustainability Officer under President Obama)
