



AT&T的智能气候解决方案。图片由詹姆斯·布雷(James Brey)提供。


大小的企业正在感到增加压力减少温室气体(GHG)排放,并尽其所能解决气候变化。在乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统在本月的COP26气候变化会议上登上舞台之后,重申到2030年美国排放量减少52%的目标之后,该竞赛正在开发解决方案,将授权公司和城市实现这一雄心勃勃的目标。

许多公司可能会谈论可持续性,但并非所有人都知道如何减少对环境竞彩足球app怎么下载的影响。That’s why in August, AT&T unveiled a new plan to help some of the highest-emitting industries, including transportation, energy and manufacturing, cut GHG emissions by one gigaton by 2035. That’s the equivalent of 19 percent of estimated U.S emissions for 2020, or the emissions reduction capability of 215,000 wind turbines running for one year.





“作为一家数据中心公司,我们有责任有效地管理我们的能源使用。我们已致力于到2030年到2030年到2030年达到100%可再生能源目标。我们已经在全球范围内利用超过90%的可再生能源data center portfolio. We are greening our customers’ and their customers’ supply chains, which enables them to reach their own carbon reduction and renewable energy goals," says Jennifer Ruch, director of sustainability at Equinix.

"Our customers need dependable and highly secure connectivity to make the move to the Equinix solution, and that’s why it’s so important to be working with AT&T to bring a complete solution to the market. And the fact that AT&T is committed to being carbon neutral by 2035 means that the joint solution is not only a great business decision, but also a great way to reduce emissions."


一项连接的气候倡议参与者就是基于密歇根州的运输初创公司好用的买球外围app网站特拉森。特拉森’s product is built upon AI technologies, using perception sensors, high-definition maps and AT&T connectivity to provide a smart adaptive cruise control for trucking that optimizes driving speeds and acceleration with respect to upcoming road conditions such as traffic scenarios, grades, curves, speed limit changes and weather conditions. The system also considers the driver’s remaining hours of service and time-of-arrival requirements in its overall trip speed planning to minimize fuel consumption and reduce idling and backup at the arrival depot.

根据Traxen创始人兼首席执行官Ali Maleki的说法,Traxen的解决方案将燃油消耗降低到平均10%。Traxen估计,减少10%的燃油消耗转化为50亿加仑石油或5000万吨为Traxen客户节省的二氧化碳。


我们还与领先的研究大学合作,探索5G技术如何帮助加速技术性的气候解决方案的开发和采用。The Texas A&M University System’s RELLIS Campus will research how wireless 5G could speed emissions reduction in industries with large carbon footprints such as transportation, the University of Missouri is exploring how 5G may help reduce carbon emissions generated by buildings, and the Purdue Research Foundation will conduct research in the Indiana 5G Zone Lab to investigate how 5G might reduce GHG emissions in the manufacturing industry.

