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That's according to the Greenpeace report, "Clicking clean: How companies are creating the green Internet”周三公布。

"In terms of doing it at scale, Apple, Facebook and Google are really writing the playbook right now," said David Pomerantz, spokesman for Greenpeace's energy campaign.

对于这种聚光灯19云计算公司 - 无论是家喻户晓的名字,并不太知名的品牌 - 绿色和平组织认为超过300个数据中心。该报告介绍了能源的组合 - 包括可再生能源,天然气,煤炭和核能 - 每家公司使用。

It also assigns a letter grade for four factors: energy transparency; renewable energy commitment and siting; energy efficiency and mitigation; and the deployment and advocacy of renewables. Apple and Facebook each received three "A" grades, with an "A-minus" average. Google had three "Bs" and one "A." (Scroll to the end for the full, alphabetical-order list.)

绿色和平组织的赞美Apple in particular for innovationand "aggressive" progress since the activist group's 2012 report on "How clean is your cloud?" Apple is now the largest private owner of solar facilities in the United States.


绿色和平组织的名称被Facebook努力,其中2015年有25%的可再生能源目标,并在大规模爱荷华州的风电场进行投资。谷歌,它与公用事业合作, is 34 percent powered by cleaner energy.

However, the report says, "Other Internet companies have refused to pay even lip service to sustainability, and are simply buying dirty energy straight from the grid."


Amazon Web Services的权力Netflix和快速增长的社交网络Pinterest的,Spotify的理念,Airbnb和葡萄。“这是伟大的,如果亚马逊有高效的数据中心,但如果大部分是在弗吉​​尼亚州北部和煤,天然气和核能供电,它不会有什么好处,”波梅兰茨说。

Netflix和谷歌的YouTube就占了超过高峰时段互联网流量的一半以上,根据网络公司Sandvine的。在流媒体电影和音乐以及社交媒体的兴起正在推动互联网整体的活动,这是从2012年的水平预计将三联2017年。如果说互联网是一个国家,这将是在能源饥渴的世界上占有的第六大 - 仅次于中国,美国,日本,印度和俄罗斯。

Melissa Gray, director of corporate social responsibility at Rackspace, called the ratings tough but fair. She said she appreciated the feedback about points for improvement that are on the company's roadmap, such as providing disclosure to the CDP. Rackspace says it is 35-percent powered by renewable energy overall, and100 percent in the United Kingdom

什么大的挑战摆在面前Rackspace公司?Facebook和谷歌 - - “我们如何从我们站在巨人的肩膀上学习如何创建一个可靠的,廉价的能源基础设施建设,不仅有利于我们的客户和股东,也住在我们经营所在社区的人呢?”格雷说。

Near the middle of the pack, Yahoo had an average "B-minus" grade. Microsoft achieved a middling "C" and Rackspace held a "C-plus," but were recognized for their growing efforts.

“We welcome Greenpeace’s report and embrace the opportunity and challenge of transitioning our cloud services to clean energy," said Rob Bernard, chief environmental strategist at Microsoft. The company has doubled its purchase of renewables to 2.3 billion kilowatt hours in the past year. In November it announced a德州购买风的110兆瓦功率。而在3月,微软和Facebook一起敦促爱荷华州国会议员的支持distributed energy.

Companies receiving a "D" in the Greenpeace report include Oracle and colocation company Digital Reality.


Amazon Web Services的主张,在10个地区其高效的数据中心消除了成千上万的效率较低的人的。此外,两个这些地区的使用完全“无碳电力。”

该公司发表了一份声明说:“我们同意with Greenpeace that technology leaders should help safeguard the environment by implementing both efficient use and clean sources of energy." It charged that Greenpeace "misses the mark" by using "false assumptions" and "inaccurate data."

绿色和平组织的报告亚力克叫出来的成员,美国立法交流委员会,为推动反可再生能源立法在美国,对于实质上削弱清洁能源自身的进步闻名。这些公司包括谷歌,Facebook,微软,雅虎,eBay和Verizon Terremark公司。

Greenpeace's 2013 Cool IT Leaderboard ranking, which ranks IT companies by their efforts to fight climate change, Google and Cisco tied for first place. The organization also has targeted tech companies in its "Guide to Greener Electronics" series.

这个故事与亚马逊,苹果,微软和Rackspace评论更新。通过以太网电缆的首图Panom Pensawangvia Shutterstock
