


Aviation emissions are a problem. Currently, they equate to about 2 percent of total global温室气体排放, but they are expected to make up a much larger share in the coming years as global trade increases and other sectors start to decarbonize. EU aviation emissions, which represent a third of total global emissions from aviation, have doubled since 1990 and are predicted to triple by 2050 if unchecked.

2.2万架次通过英国领空每年通过负责每年投入约23亿吨二氧化碳在大气中的 - 大约相当于6个燃煤电厂的年排放量。

Reducing U.K. aviation emissions is win-win for the environment and the airlines — if less fuel is burnt, carriers are lowering their costs and pumping fewer emissions into the atmosphere. But how to address the problem? International talks at the U.N. have yielded only a set of voluntary pledges, and while the industry is investing in alternative greener fuels and更高效的飞机由波音公司研究,last year predicted在役飞机的数量将在2011年和2031之间翻番, most likely pushing up emissions regardless of any fuel efficiency improvements.



Now, Jopson is tasked with helping NATS hit a 10 percent reduction by 2020 with the stakes raised even higher. "We could potentially win or lose 1 percent of our turnover," he admitted, rather more cheerfully than you might expect. "[But] it's good news for me, because when you have bonus and penalties on delivery of a plan, then it gets on to the managing director and chief executive's scorecards pretty quickly, which raises the profile through the organization."

在过去的六年中,NATS 300多个空域和程序上的变化带来了改善飞行剖面,并减少燃油消耗,从消除壁垒空域的某些部门,这使得更多的直航航线航班,鼓励飞行员向更高效飞行,比如下坡滑行降落到。与军方谈判在某些时候使用它以前限制空域节省3万吨的二氧化碳排放。



技术也发挥了作用 - 被带到上个月称为GAATS +新的软件工具,以帮助控制器得到跨越北大西洋更有效的配置文件,节省了进一步的11万吨该技术甚至考虑到飞机失去质量,因为他们燃烧燃料,使他们能够爬升到更高的高度更接近最佳的轨道,可以采取高风的优势。

Collaboration with counterparts in other jurisdictions also has helped bring down burn rates. The winningly named X-Man project — more prosaically, the Cross Border Arrival Management Initiative — involves asking other air traffic organizations to slow aircraft down so they spend more time cruising, which is far more efficient than circling holding patterns over airports. Just slowing down aircraft has taken more than a minute off holding time for every aircraft that holds around Heathrow.

Working out the savings takes a hefty dose of computing power. "Every aircraft that goes through our airspace has an environmental efficiency score — to compute those scores we have to analyze over a billion radar points," Jopson said. "No one else does it to that level of granularity."


乔普森正在监督一个$ 909万美元的“全面彻底”在英格兰东南部及以上曼彻斯特的领空,他说,将提高安全性,容量和环保性能,通过“可实现连续攀升,更多的点对点航线,[和]战略性德的重新设计通过该空域-conflicting业务流“。



However, a 10 percent saving remains a testing target. Jopson freely admitted when it was set he did not know if it would be achievable and that reaching it will require him and his team to come up with more ideas.


Teams of controllers and pilots are convened regularly to discuss how to tackle remaining inefficiencies, while Jopson also holds out hope further savings could come from working closer with other national operators.

它有望成为一个巨大的挑战 - 但你会希望如果有人能降落的东西这么大,这将是空中交通管制。
