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This article is sponsored byShell Energy

There are numerous reasons so many organizations across the globe are working to reduce their environmental impacts.These motives include,但不仅限于满足消费者需求,提高效率,满足监管要求,增加品牌价值,吸引人才并创造新的商机。


As the industry evolves, there is more accessibility to renewable energy solutions, which can be a double-edged sword for executives in the process of introducing or advancing sustainability efforts into their corporate cultures. On one hand, there are more options than ever. But conversely, achieving the best energy transition blueprint for your business can be complicated or even overwhelming.


1. Understand your energy use


Once your organization has a clear energy consumption picture, you can identify and evaluate opportunities for improvement. This information empowers company leadership to develop sustainability goals with confidence.




When creating a plan for achieving your goals incorporate the technology available and what might be accessible in the future, your regulatory environment and commercial progression for each element. For example, if a company wants to achieve carbon neutrality by a certain date, and its operating multi-class internal combustion engine (ICE) fleets, what solutions are available and what others are anticipated? Transitioning to电动汽车(EV)可能是一部分舰队的经济上可行的近期解决方案。可能biofuels成为其他部分的临时解决方案?会怎样orcompressed natural gas解决方案与目标和需求保持一致?研究这些潜在的解决方案可以帮助您了解实现目标的时间表和路线图。



实施多种解决方案的合法化可以帮助改善和加速能源成本和碳强度的改善。返回我们的电动汽车示例,落后的能源解决方案可以帮助您管理EV能源使用。Processes such as smart charging, energy load management and dynamic power sharing often help prevent your demand charges from skyrocketing.


4. Keep abreast of evolving technologies, regulations and sustainability reporting practices

Some businesses have the resources to monitor technological advancements in sustainability and manage such research and tracking. Others rely on trusted suppliers or advisers to help keep them informed of emerging technologies and their potential use cases. At Shell Energy, we provide guidance as part of our relationship, to assist our customers with achieving their ultimate goals. Tracking progression and anticipating timing of commercially viable solutions can help define and refine action plans through the energy transition journey.


It is also helpful to follow potential changes in sustainability reporting practices and protocols and to assess how they may affect both your goals and roadmap. For example,there is growing interest and ambition for moving past the measurement of MWhs and RECs to measuring the carbon intensity您的企业消耗的能量。因此,有推动力的发展和使用碳跟踪tools. With progress, carbon intensity measurement will likely increase the granularity and sophistication of accepted practices and protocols. You will need to anticipate and incorporate these principles into goal definitions, sustainability roadmaps and action plans.

另一个例子是大约24/7大约的建筑动力renewable energydelivery. Again, with progression, this may drive the need to adjust your sustainability ambitions. Shell Energy’s wind and solar projects in North America add more than 1,000 GWh of carbon-free energy to the grid each year. Combined with our deep risk management capabilities, these assets position us well to help our customers progress toward more ambitious sustainability goals.

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