
Future MBA

100 ways, 100 days to reimagine the sustainable MBA


我ll explore all aspects of the MBA, ranging from curriculum and research to partnerships and campus activities. Some ideas could be put into practice tomorrow while others would require a complete rethinking of the way we view the MBA.

This brainstorming of ideas is meant to encourage discussion, so please share your thoughts and comments and elaborate on the ideas you find the most interesting.



The Future MBA will have a class called Today. This short class takes place every morning before core courses start. The class looks at current events as they happen and explores what they mean for business, how business should/could respond, exploring potential opportunities and/or risks.

For example, an NGO releases a report which negatively affects Company X. In Today’s class, students will look at this report and explore how they think Company X should respond to this news and track what the company actually does over the upcoming days. In the upcoming week, a representative of Company X will be invited to class to discuss its approach.


Day 2: The lifelong MBA

The MBA is a moment in time. After graduation, alumni go through various subsequent phases in their career, phases where they once again could use the lessons and support that an MBA provides.


The remaining years would be used throughout the student’s lifetime. A special six-month course would be available for students who are considering retirement or have just retired to assist them in planning out their next steps. Another course would be available to parents thinking of going back to work either part or full time. Another section would be open to alumni thinking of starting a business or working independently as sole proprietors or independent consultants. Then, of course, there’d be a range of courses of interest to individuals at different points of their career — managers, CEOs, board members, as well as on specific topics of interest and relevance to the business world today. Not only would this provide a more structured lifelong learning experience but also the opportunity to connect and learn from individuals of all ages and at different stages of their life and career on campus and in the classroom.

Day 3: MBA pop up

MBA programs often operate within a bubble within a community but not often interacting or engaging with that community. How can business schools encourage that interaction in meaningful and innovative ways?


The Future MBA will have its own pop up business space, either in a building managed by the school or in a range of spaces in the community that the school would have access to. These spaces would be open to MBA-related pop ups, used from an hour to several days by faculty, staff, students and alumni to test out new ideas, give a short course, sell new products or share insights on topics of interest. Most important, it will give students and staff an opportunity to interact with their local community in a tangible way.

Day 4: Checking your progress

The main reason for pursuing the Future MBA will be for education and personal development, and as such students will want to have a better understanding of where they stand when they start the program and how they progress throughout it.



企业在不断变化和调整,or even being created in order to take advantage of new opportunities, risks and technologies. How can business schools also take advantage and respond quickly to new opportunities as they arise with a range of innovative and flexible programs that serve the needs of the business community?


Day 6: Expanding admissions


In the Future MBA, potential students will have access to an online platform similar to LinkedIn. Individuals in any stage of the application process, from just thinking about doing an MBA to waiting for their acceptance letters, can register. They can post their CV and other relevant information, which can be updated regularly. Students also can post a range of general essays applicable to any MBA application as well as a series of password-protected essays for specific schools.

The platform would have a section where potential students can advertise their status: “interested in MBAs”; “looking at different programs”; “writing the GMAT”; “in the process of applying”; “waiting for offers or making final decision.”



Day 7: For a day…


Students in the Future MBA can take part in a program called “For a Day” through career services. Students interested in working in a particular company or industry will be given the opportunity to spend one day in a company that interests them, rubbing shoulders with experts in that industry, alumni working in the company etc. to gain a bit of an understanding of what it is like to work in that industry and to confirm whether this would be of interest to them.

阅读全部Future MBA series here。毕业生的顶级图像hxdbzxy通过shutterstock。

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