Dawn Weisz
As CEO, Dawn is responsible for the vision, strategy, and leadership of MCE. After coordinating efforts to explore and launch MCE in 2004, Dawn has been recognized nationwide as a community choice trailblazer—managing a rapidly expanding program that has become a model for CCAs across the state, earning the confidence of Financial Institution investors, making significant strides in combating climate change, providing substantial cost savings to customers, and encouraging more than 160 other communities across California to form or join a local community choice program.
Under her leadership, MCE became the first community choice program to earn an investment-grade credit rating and now provides service to more than 470,000 customers and over a million residents and businesses in 34 member communities across four Bay Area counties: Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, and Solano. MCE has also entered into power supply agreements that have doubled the amount of renewable energy purchased for customers, exceeded State renewable energy portfolio standards, and achieved substantial greenhouse gas reductions to help communities reach State Assembly Bill 32 targets. Dawn also helped launch and serves on the Board of the California Community Choice Association (CalCCA) which includes 19 member CCAs across California, serving 10 million customers across the state.
Dawn has more than 25 years of experience developing and managing renewable energy and energy efficiency programs while working for leading public agencies in the field. Previously, she was a Principle Planner with the County of Marin, where she managed energy and sustainability initiatives. She also previously served as the Executive Director for Sustainable North Bay, and prior to that, worked as a labor and environmental justice organizer in Los Angeles.
Dawn has been a guest lecturer at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and for the National American Planning Association and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. She has also received awards from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Power Association of Northern California and the U.S. Department of Energy. She currently serves as President of the California Community Choice Association.