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of一系列ofexcerpts from the 2014StateofGreen商业report (download here)。

对有毒物质的担忧 - 新的术语似乎是“关注的化学品” - 在我们的日常生活中,自Rachel Carson投入“沉默春天”超过半个世纪前的生活。但是,在产品和供应链中获得最有问题的化学物质一直缓慢,特别是由于政府调节这种化学品已经胆怯。

市场的监管是另一件事。在过去的一年中,大型零售商如沃尔玛and Target have approached the issue head-on,推动供应商透露成分或简单地发挥逐步淘汰他们销售产品中的一些化学品。

沃尔玛宣布了一项政策要求化妆品和清洁产品制造商disclose ingredients in their productsand remove priority hazardous chemicals. The company said it would start with 10 priority chemicals, although it isn't yet disclosing which ones, and some critics both praised the policy and pointed to its flaws. Target, for its part, announced a partnership with UL's善意establish sustainability standards for some 7,500 products, focusing on personal care and household cleaning products — "direct-exposure chemical products" with a strong focus on toxic or otherwise problematic ingredients.



这并不容易。根据加州有毒物质控制,包括2,500“高产量”(HPV)化学品,包括超过100万英镑的速度,包括85,000多家化学品。“近45%的HPV化学物质[缺乏]进行足够的毒理学研究,以评估它们对人类和野生动物的健康影响,”DTSC说。此外,在美国每年每年在美国投入20,000个新化学品 - 每天近六种新化学品。

Recent studies have shown that some of these chemicals can act as endocrine disruptors, affecting normal hormone function, and can do so at the parts-per-billion or parts-per-trillion level. And their effects can be transgenerational, persisting for decades.

随着更多此类信息来光临,令人担忧的是消费者,宣传群体,政府监管机构,卫生专业人员和其他人之间的关注。多年来,产品制造商和零售商隐藏在专有的非面纱的面纱后面 - 这些公司认为这种化学品的存在是无知的,因为它们被上游供应商使用,他没有因为竞争的压力透露成分。至少,这是他们的借口。


但那正在改变。随着令人担忧的增长,活动家正在加强对最终用户最接近的人的压力 - 品牌制造商和零售商。一个目标是扩大成分披露,以便在日常产品中发出令人担忧的令人担忧的希望,重点是个人护理产品,化妆品和玩具。近年来,近年来,近年来促进了双酚A的担忧,这是自20世纪60年代以来许多硬塑料瓶和金属食品和饮料罐的工业化学品。由于越来越多的研究与实验室测试中的癌症,发育问题和生殖问题联系起来 - 以及关于这些研究的新闻报道,这些研究激起了公众关注和活动人员压力 - 包括坎贝尔汤和一般磨坊等公司开始远离使用它


加利福尼亚州,因为它经常是,将是用于化学披露的先锋in the coming years, at least in the United States. In October, the state adopted new regulations to implement itsGreen Chemistry Initiative, a bold new environmental law to identify and restrict toxic chemicals in consumer products sold in the state. The law requires a new life-cycle "alternatives analysis" to evaluate suitable substitutes for hazardous substances in consumer products, based not only upon their risk during product use but also during their manufacture and after disposal. The state then may condition, restrict or ban the use of those chemicals.


The success of such efforts will depend in part on how customers respond — both B-to-B customers as well as individual consumers. Should there be an outpouring of concern and market demand, no doubt we will see such efforts accelerate far faster than regulators could command and control, even in progressive state such as California.

The right formula of supply (green chemicals) and demand (concerned citizens) could be a potent mix.

Chemicals photo by哈拉巴生产通过Shutterstock.
