

诸如“ Frankenstorm”,“ Monster Storm”和“ Perfect Storm”之类的头条新闻成为超级风暴桑迪(Superstorm Sandy),这是一种史诗般比例的天气模式,在2012年10月以100年来未见的方式袭击了美国东北部。结果,超过800万人没有权力。我亲自生活,我可以充满信心地说,美国还没有准备好桑迪,但是我们必须为下一个弗兰肯风暴做好准备 - 暴风雨前线的碰撞可能来自天气,也可能不会来自天气。


In 2011, just one storm season before the one that brought Frankenstorm Sandy, Hurricane Irene brought its own devastation to the East Coast and showed us the type of damage a modern monster storm can really bring. However, as we witnessed post-Sandy or just months later from the paralyzing snowstorms in the Midwest or even the twin winter snowstorm called “Nemo,” the United States is still largely unprepared to deal with mass power outages. Actually, so is the rest of the world.

2012年8月,我为CNNMoney撰写了一篇专栏文章(美国如何避免像印度这样的停电),这基本上挑战了这样的观念,即美国对今年夏天在印度看到的权力失败免疫。I took a lot of flak for that article, yet the fact remains (even post-Sandy) that we can’t afford to be complacent while weather patterns clearly are changing -- and changing not in our favor, with rising tides, flooding, nor’easters and dangerous wind currents that are all increasingly wreaking havoc on our power supply.


Now, imagine if the lights went out in every city across the United States. That is what basically happened in India in the summer of 2012 as twin blackouts hit 370 million and an astonishing 670 million people in India in the same week (the entire U.S. population is 313.8 million).

当然,印度是地球上增长最快的国家 - 由于需求限制的电力网格的增长,因此确实有频繁的中断,并且该国在相当长的一段时间内受到最干燥的季风季节的困扰,并且可以说是气候变化的例子。但是,这些巨大的权力损失应引起一些巨大的关注危险,最终可能会在政府一级,新投资,创新增加和消费者行为转变,从未见过。这也必须在美国发生。

Why? A convergence of sustainable supply and demand is really the heart of the global smart grid conversation. Therefore, as India recovers from its own power nightmare, it’s time the United States puts its own politics aside and makes the smart grid a big priority before the lights go out at home again post-Frankenstorm Sandy.

Remember theU.S. blackout of 2003? That was a widespread power outage (again in the northeastern U.S.) that also affected 10 million people in Ontario, Canada, thanks to a software issue at a FirstEnergy site in Ohio. Imagine, in this day and age, our power grid remains somewhat of a joke because we simply haven’t learned lessons from the past. That has to change.


In my book, "Lessons from Frankenstorm: Investing for Future Power Disruptions," I specifically focus on new threats such as too much dependence on natural gas, cybersecurity and the absolute need to advance energy without water reliance. I also highlight new transformational opportunities (modular nuclear reactors, cleanweb solutions, 3D printing, offshore wind) that can help us be better prepared when the next storm and power disruption does come.

To learn more about the smart grid and the convergence of sustainability and technology, be sure to check outVerge SF 10月14日至17日。改编自“ Frankenstorm的课程:投资未来的电力中断”。经John Wiley&Sons的许可转载。©2013撰写的John J. Licata。版权所有。该电子书可在Amazon.com对于Kindle,通过iTunes的苹果iBooks,Barnes&Nobles.com对于角落和Google Play用于智能手机,平板电脑,笔记本电脑,计算机和电子磁盘。

图像via Shutterstock.
