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What will integrated reporting actually look like?

Despite constant discussion at nearly every plenary and breakout session during the2013 Global GRI Conference,综合报告 - 将财务和非财务/可持续性报告结合到一份综合报告中 - 似乎陷入了深刻混乱的状态。竞彩足球app怎么下载

Integrated reporting seems to be the Holy Grail of corporate reporting: Both the current president of GRI and the former chairman of its board emphasized its importance and noted that G4 was designed to provide the underlying support for integrated reporting. The overarching message is that we are moving toward a new reporting regime -- yet the practical aspects of when, how, what that will look like remain very nebulous.


Why create an integrated report?


The many information streams that companies currently provide do not allow analysts to efficiently extract the information they want. Therefore, an integrated report should seamlessly describe a company's most material issues in terms of their likely positive or negative impacts on value creation and financial performance.


Shuffling cards photoby Surkov Dimitri on Shutterstock.

Additionally, the sustainability report will continue to be the vehicle through which companies continue to provide more detailed information of concern to other stakeholder groups (content that won't make the cut into an integrated report).

3 key elements of a truly integrated report

It seems clear that any report (financial, sustainability, or integrated) must consider the needs of the target audience and the company's ability to meaningfully meet those needs. For integrated reporting to be meaningful, a number of things must occur.


2. Materiality:Companies must understand what their material issues are. Many companies have expressed an interest in a tighter set of guidelines that tells them exactly what to include in an integrated report. But what this might indicate is that companies do not understand what matters. This comes back to the underlying theme of the entire GRI conference, companies must understand their material issues and where they exist in their value chain before they can report on anything. Interestingly, one of the biggest changes from G3.1 to G4 is the emphasis on the materiality assessment process and identified material issues.

3.数据和保证:Companies must have a solid data set and confidence in their reporting systems. Jeanne Ng from China Light & Power stated that her company would not have been ready to provide accurate nonfinancial data for inclusion in its integrated report without the many years of experience it had with sustainability reporting. During the conference, a number of people voiced concern about the uneven quality of third-party sustainability report assurance practices (including comments on the podium by plenary speakers!). How will the movement toward integrated reporting impact the sustainability assurance field? The U.S. already significantly lags other countries in the use of third party assurance.

作为参加会议的北美代表团的一部分,了解该领域的进展(以及持续的困惑)很有趣。目前针对GRI的美国公司的综合报告的吸收充其量似乎很不冷不热。我们与之交谈的许多经验丰富的可持续竞彩足球app怎么下载发展记者说,他们无法想象未来五年,其他人说他们无法想象自己的职业生涯。景观更加复杂the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board(SASB)旨在标准化公司应按部门解决的物质问题和相关指标标准化的计划。

Most interestingly, it became apparent that the concept of integrated reporting is already well entrenched in some large South African companies as a result of国王III公司治理守则。该代码使JSE上市公司的集成报告强制性。


As a multinational company, ERM was fortunate in that we were able to send practitioners from the U.S., South Africa, Brazil, the U.K., Australia, and the Netherlands. Interestingly, four of these countries are actually leading in the development of integrated reports: South Africa, Australia, the Netherlands and Brazil. More information can be found in "综合报告竞彩足球app怎么下载的可持续性内容 - 先驱调查“ [PDF] GRI资源库中可获得的报告。

Our South African colleague was able to share some of the key challenges observed from the South African experience.

The first is about如何在整个年度报告中有效整合可持续性问题和内容,并克服传统竞彩足球app怎么下载财务报告流程的模式

第二,财务报告的报告开发时间表通常更凝结than that of sustainability reporting. To align the two, companies may need to make significant process changes.

第三,关于保证,整体上没有保证, but elements of it are assured as part of a combined assurance model.

最后,the existing framework for assurance encourages companies to focus on lagging indicators rather than leading indicators, completely overlooking the future element which stakeholders crave. Companies trying to include forward looking statements can run into assurance challenges, as many assurance providers shy away from assuring forward looking statements.



The final point that both our South African and Dutch colleagues made is that综合报告不会为所有利益相关者讲述整个故事。综合和独立的报告有不同的受众群体,综合报告主要集中在金融资本提供者。结果,我们预计公司将在可预见的未来在单独的报告或网站上继续披露更多详细的可持续性信息。竞彩足球app怎么下载


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