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Putting a Value on Bees, Trees and the Rest of Nature


Resource economists typically depict nature as doing four general favors for us: providing things like food and water; regulating things like floods and droughts; supporting life through basic processes like photosynthesis, soil formation and material cycling; and enhancing cultural things like spiritual refreshment and scientific discovery. Valuing these services is complicated and is done by several methods, like calculating replacement value, or willingness to pay. As resources get scarcer, valuation of these services will become more and more a part of every business.

斯坦福大学的Gretchen C. Daily记录了结合资源价值和商业努力的市场机制的发展,以便保存土地,人们可以过上美好的生活。她编辑了开创性的收藏“大自然的服务”,where some of these values were first identified, and co-authored“自然的新经济”,a case-by-case account of how different organizations have used these values to make conservation pay.


Claire Kremen of U.C. Berkeley正在调查这些蜜蜂为北加州的农作物提供的土地使用实践,野生蜜蜂社区和授粉服务之间的关系。如果她和她的同事可以确定这些本地蜜蜂所提供的价值,那么土地规划师和农艺师可以计算自然栖息地和替代性耕作实践的价值,以使蜜蜂保持健康和工作。到目前为止,他们发现的是,野生蜜蜂能够授粉我们目前的大部分作物。他们只需要住在他们附近,而不需要被农药毒气即可。

In the face of recent colony collapses of commercial bee operations, this research is especially important as an insurance against the loss of food production. Estimates of the value of insect-pollinated crops vary widely, but a figure in the tens of billions of dollars is not unreasonable. Bees do most of this pollinating. Kremen's team is documenting the critical floral and nesting resources the bees need. They will then use this information to develop protocols for restoring natural habitat and managing farmlands to promote bee diversity, abundance, and the pollination services these bees provide.

这se examples illustrate so-called "natural capital" models, in which biological processes are quantified, assigned a monetary value, and made part of the policies or compacts of a capitalist society. The broad conceptual underpinning of these models came from many sources, but most well known is the seminal work“自然资本主义”,by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins. The thesis of the book is that current business practices assign values to only three of the four types of capital found in our world: human, financial and manufactured, while leaving out the most important, natural. This capital is made up of the resources, living systems and ecosystem services provided by the living planet. The next industrial revolution, write the authors, will be in resource productivity, but it will only yield a better world if natural capital is assigned a fair value.

联合国环境计划, through生态系统和生物多样性的经济学(TEEB)倡议于去年11月为政策制定者提供了一份报告,该报告是那些寻求将自然资本保护与公共政策融合在一起的人的工具包。企业领导者将能够审查一份类似的报告,以解决他们今年6月的问题。下一份报告将提供有关衡量和管理风险,避免损害,确定新市场以及共享金融,人力和自然资本的信息的实用建议。

与此类努力结盟是一项开创性的合作Biomimicry Guildand霍克,巨型建筑公司。这两个组织正在开发一个直接基于生态系统服务的生态绩效标准系统。


Biomimicry Guild founder Janine Benyus spoke at U.C. Berkeley'sCollege of Environmental Designrecently for their 50th anniversary celebration. She described a planned new urbanist community near Pune, India, called熔岩。这development will be India's first post-colonial hill station and will include about 25,000 apartment and villa units in four settlements on 25,000 acres of land. The Biomimicry Guild investigated the so-called “genius of place” within the site's valley and studied both the organisms in the field and the area's historical ecosystem designation, a moist deciduous forest. Team members then compiled a metric of 15 criteria for measuring success, including water purification, carbon sequestration and biodiversity maintenance. They also worked closely with HOK's urban planners in creating forms and solutions that were inspired by the native flora and fauna.

这guild admits that the standards, to a large degree, reflect their aspirations for the site's performance rather than their immediate expectations, and many details of monitoring and measuring remain to be developed as well as new building forms and processes that can meet this challenge. The attempt, however, nudges builders closer to the natural capital revolution described by Hawken and the Lovinses. It is squarely in the camp of regenerative design, much like Jason McLennan'sLiving Building Challenge


tOM McKeag在加利福尼亚艺术学院和加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校教授生物启发的设计。他是创始人兼总裁Biodreammachine,一家非营利性教育学院,为K12学校带来了生物启发的设计和科学教育。

Bee hives - BY 2.0; BY 2.0
