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大多数人认为,一个正式的环境管理体系(EMS)是唯一一个符合规定的国际标准,是由已被认证由认证机构这样做外部考官验证。ISO 14001,生态管理和审计计划(EMAS),以及最近的SA8000社会管理体系经常被引用作为例子。

我不同意。电磁信号可以是“正式的”,而不一定是这些最明显的一个。任何公司,政府,社区或行业能有一个正式的EMS,只要它一)建立所需的方向,b)开发和文件的计划,C)工具定义的一组系统元件,d)监测的进展和e)采用的改进 - 经典的计划,执行,检查,行动的质量管理循环。有几家公司,我已经用了很正式的,它们或者仅仅基于上述标准或全部内部开发的EMS工作。其中有些是好过的“一刀切”的标准,因为他们对所开发他们公司的具体组织结构,文化和目标一致。

  1. 该y are process-oriented, not performance-oriented
  2. 他们建立昂贵和维护
  3. 该y consume extensive internal personnel resources that could be devoted to higher value, higher importance issues
一些最好的电磁信号的是混合动力车,其中包括标准化的电磁信号的与处理相关的组织,文化和业务问题的定制内部元件最适用的元素,而专注于什么是重要的。这些EMS的强调建立卓越的文化,在工艺和性能,而不仅仅是展示能力的完整清单。该American Chemistry Council可能是正确的路径上通过开发一个双跟踪责任关怀管理系统(RCMS),其允许与一致的任一系统RC14001,仿照ISO14001或修饰的特定行业的RCMS程序。公司被允许选一个,其他的或者根据他们各自的公司和工厂需求两者的组合。

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Corporate Environmental Organizations: Evolving Business Management Strategiespublished in the September 2003 issue of企业环境战略。When EH&S professionals write or speak on this subject, they typically describe how EH&S organizations应该be structured, rather than how they may be structured in the future. For example, the move towards greater outsourcing of EH&S functions and the formation of EH&S shared service departments was not driven by EH&S professionals. It was driven by business executives who were interested in cutting the cost of all service-type activities. In other words, EH&S departments became swept up in a larger business reorganization.

该next reorganization trend to keep an eye on is business-process outsourcing (BPO). Companies in the technology business are broadening their portfolio of offerings by taking over the entire human resources (HR) functions for companies, not just computer services. The most recent, high profile example was IBM’s 10-year contract to take over the HR functions for Procter & Gamble. With EH&S functions becoming more systematized, executive management may think that these functions can be directly turned over to a BPO service company. Management may view this as being particularly attractive if the service provider has deep pockets and offers some form of liability protection.



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What’s the difference between climate change and global warming?


Climate change, on the other hand, is the result of a variety of factors that include global warming -- or cooling.

As Dick and I have mentioned from time to time, we should all be aware of, and prepared for, the Law of Unintended Consequences. This cousin of Murphy’s Law sets forth the premise that while we introduce changes to produce certain outcomes, there is always the probability that other, unintended consequences will also occur. The introduction of kudzu to the southeastern U.S. to control soil erosion is a perfect example, as was the invention of TNT (increased weaponry) and email (spam and viruses).

  • 作物的发展已经提高耐受干旱和增加水分

  • 新的公用设备在高海拔的安装

  • 新型建材和设计具有较高的抗风等级

  • Pulp/paper trees with broader disease resistance

  • Alternative raw material sources and flexibility

While many are putting time and effort into stopping or reversing climate change, which I believe may be futile under the current set of circumstances, businesses that can incorporate flexibility and variability into their operations, facilities and products will be able to ‘weather the storm’ and have successful products for future markets.

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  • 在一家制药公司的EH&S的工作人员开发出一种性能数据的收集,管理和展示“仪表盘”被捆绑到公司现有的管理会计的数据库。这使得业绩报告是基于公司的业务单元和现场组织结构上;系统会自动调整性能的措施,在公司的组织结构的任何变化。由于系统的适应性和报告功能的,其他公司的单位和团体也开始使用该系统的性能测量和报告。

  • 在一家化学公司的EH&S的工作人员与客户合作的重要交付转移,虽然高风险,原材料从鼓卡车交货。鼓交付了用于显著人员曝光和溢出危害风险的潜力。供应商的EH&S工作人员提供,允许客户以激活未使用现场坦克的专业知识,建立一个封闭的输送歧管系统,并得到它允许的。除了降低风险和成本,供应商公司加大了销售和担保的长期客户。


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从历史上看,公司一直非常谨慎,直接与环保非政府组织(NGO)处理的。转折点可能已经是麦当劳 - 环保协会(现为环境保护)
1989年协议围绕一个艰难的公关完全转向的发行,包装废弃物。企业开始认识到环保组织并非铁板一块 - 应避免所有怒目而视疯子。我记得与娱乐在90年代初的得分非政府组织的一篇文章:用燃烧炸弹符号。地球优先!绿色和平组织有各五(最高分)和国家奥杜邦协会和大自然保护协会已经为零。

行业之间的协议和环境非政府组织are commonplace today. SustainAbility recently released a report on the changing role of NGOs in today’s environmental debate,”The 21st Century NGO – in the Market for Change.”即使绿色和平也越来越与2002年地球峰会符合行业的行为。路透新闻社报道, “Despite that reservation, both sides said the fact that they were making a joint statement at all was remarkable.” Home Depot made headlines with their agreement with Forest Stewardship Council. The mining industry recently embraced the concept of third party mining certification in the report”Finding the Way Forward.”上和它去。

人们不应假设所有现在是无风险。例如,地球之友极力推崇壳牌八年前的被更多的致力于可持续发展和五年前的全球气候联盟游说团体拉出。近日,它发布了一份报告,“失败的挑战”, lambasting Shell for what they claim to be its failure at the plant level to maintain a sustainable, socially responsible environment. So what went wrong?


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大多数工业废水和生活污水不得排入河流,特别是如果他们的饮用水源。废水排放是由联邦和/或国家污染排放消除系统许可证,其中有每天,每周和/或每季监测和报告要求调整。由于证违法行为通常携带的每每人每天活动当天$ 25,000的罚款,罚款必须是数百万美元的潜力。通常情况下,虽然,全小金额进行评估,只有当可以建立犯罪意图。

Frank Friedman, of Frank B. Friedman & Associates, LLC, offers the following advice, “Data management systems should monitor discharge and reporting requirements, with some form of automatic follow-up. These are easy violations for agencies to detect and assess fines since they often involve paperwork violations that are easily proven."


  • 面积和间接来源,如农田,商业地产和住宅可以养分和油/油脂显著来源。这些是多种多样的,仍然基本上不受监管的来源;只有雨水排放法规到位若干商用物业。随着更多的区域被从分水岭透视,而不是通过一个逐点源为基础进行管理,例如间接源正变得越来越重要。

  • State regulators sometimes presume that unattainable discharge limits will ‘force’ technology to ever-decreasing detection limits. While few will argue that discharges of incidental PCBs, mercury and other metals should be controlled or eliminated, having a discharge limit that is orders of magnitude lower than the technical detection limit serves no one well. Dischargers are often in technical non-compliance and the receiving water doesn’t become any cleaner.

  • File reviews that we’ve conducted have revealed that industrial facilities are increasingly ‘forgetting’ to send in their Discharge Monitoring Reports – typically because the person responsible for them is no longer employed at the site and there is no system (or person) in place to conduct that task.

  • 医药行业仍然是工作对药品痕量水平的问题,在公共水域或PIE(在环境制药)。更多信息可以在网上找到的

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Postscripts: The University of Hard Knocks.在我们2002年10月专栏中,我们注意引进Mutual.com副基金(符号VICEX)作为计数器的社会责任投资基金。2003年3月列报的基金怎么不转出是一个投资的必杀技,但不曾有过足够的时间来作出决定性的评估。目前,该基金已经出一个全年,我们认为这可能是一个很好的时间来检查对基金和更新你的进度。

While over the past year the NASDAQ index has risen over 40% and the Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen close to 20%, VICEX has remained a laggard, rising less than 10% over the past 12 months. It now has enough of a performance history to record a beta measure of around 0.9. This indicates that the fund is slightly less volatile than the overall market.


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