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Why understanding the true value of water is smart business


了解水的真实价值并针对增长的限制是一个growing global trend. Companies that quantify their natural capital dependencies will benefit from a more complete picture of the most effective ways to allocate water and other resources.

Current market pricing disconnected from risks

In many regions, the market price of water is inversely proportional to how much is available. For example, water-scarce regions of China can have a low price for water which does not reflect its relative availability. Forbes India magazine has an informativeworld mapshowing local water prices based on data from Global Water Intelligence.



Facing water scarcity

Trucost’s researchfor GreenBiz’s2014年绿色业务状况report found that the average US business uses over 49,000 cubic meters of water per million dollars of revenue. In a world faced by increasing water shortages, we must identify and implement ways of decoupling commercial growth from natural capital dependency, so that economic success does not overwhelm natural resource capacity.


Focusing on the true value of water

Water is not valued properly according to the gaps between supply and demand. For instance, the low market price of water in dry regions is a perverse incentive to grow water-intensive agricultural products despite the high risk of drought or damage to long-term water supplies.

Since market water prices do not capture the full costs of extracting water, these costs are borne by society and the environment — so-called ‘externalities.’ These externalities are becoming more visible as water shortages threaten local communities, ecosystems and economies, droughts shrink crop yields and increase food prices, and desertification takes over farm land.

Applying the true value of water for business growth

How do we monetize water risk so it can be factored into investment decisions and considered alongside other business metrics? Trucost estimates that the true value of one cubic meter of water ranges between $0.10 where it is plentiful and $15 in areas of extreme scarcity. Forward-thinking businesses should apply this true value of water to inform their operating strategies, such as aligning water use with its availability and evaluating new infrastructure investments, procurement strategies and product portfolios. Companies can focus on the true value of water to prepare for having to absorb costs that were once off the books, but are now being internalized due to new regulations, higher water prices or water shortages.

One example of this approach is work by约克郡水in the U.K., which applied natural capital valuations to inform its 25-year corporate strategy so that it could meet the needs of one million new households. The company created an environmental profit and loss account so that it could allocate resources and manage commodity costs for the long term. In the EP&L, negative environmental impacts are shown as losses, such as water extraction, waste disposal and pollution, while environmental benefits are identified as profit, such as the company’s water recharge and energy recovery facilities. Applying monetary values helped the company communicate its water efficiency strategy to stakeholders, including suppliers, customers and regulators, in a way that is easy to understand.

另一个例子是通过雀巢使用暗影水价,因此该公司在其运行决策中包含了全部价值。最近的一篇文章金融时报outlines how the food company applies an internal water value to spur more efficient use in its factories. Under this policy, water is priced at approximately $1 per cubic meter for facilities located where water is readily available and $5 in more arid regions. Nestlé applies this value when considering purchasing new equipment, making tangible the impact of water availability within capital expenditure decisions.Shadow pricing has also been applied to greenhouse gas emissions by Microsoft, Disney, and at least 27 other US companies,将气候影响因素融入其业务决策。


货币估值使企业能够包括水的真实价值 - 而不是目前的市场价格 - 以及传统上价的资本预算中的劳动力等物品,以及调整资本和业务支出的净目前价值。将货币价值应用于预计的耗水量,从未来现金流量中扣除环境成本,可以透露哪种选择风险较低。通过在单一的货币价值中表达其所有环境影响,公司可以轻松识别和管理其最重要的环境风险和机遇。含水估值也可用于映射商品流量并量化跨公司品牌组合或业务部门的风险。


Top image byWollertz通过shutterstock。

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