


The Securities and Exchange Commission is currently preparing a report to Congress from its review of disclosure rules for U.S. public companies as required by the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act. These rules, also known as Regulations S-K and S-X, detail the requirements for financial statements. The goal of this report, according to the Commission, is"to comprehensively review the requirements and make recommendations on how to update them to facilitate timely, material disclosure by companies and shareholders' access to that information."




企业行为监管在很大程度上是不够的,当涉及到社会和环境后果。公司冒险 - 无论是在国际劳工标准或破坏社区或环境中它的偷工减料 - 削弱了全球经济和增加社会弊病。

Responsible behavior is the obvious solution, but if it is not embraced voluntarily by management, it must be required by law to protect the public interest. Disclosure requirements are part of the essential process of mitigating risks to both companies and society, and deserve to be made stronger, not weaker. Doing so is a clear benefit for shareholders, who deserve to understand how the companies in which they invest make and spend their money.


强制性的环境、社会和治理信息披露必须包含在regulatory filings, including for all company subsidiaries that may be located outside the U.S. to skirt their tax responsibility. Issuers should be required to report annually on a comprehensive, uniform set of sustainability indicators comprised of both universally applicable and industry-specific components.

三和交流,包括NASDAQ OMX和多伦多证券交易所上市,已经支持通过的2014年3月建议谷神为首投资者网络上的气候风险该公司被要求进行实质性评估披露在年度财务申报文件。





Investors understand that transparent markets and elections are essential to a well-functioning society, while investors have a right to know the legal, regulatory, operational, and reputational risks of a company that may be inconsistent with its business plan and public values and that may contribute to systemic risks to the economy. The Supreme Court, in itsCitizens Uniteddecision, stated that complete real-time disclosure of public company political spending allows shareholders to "determine whether their corporation's political speech advances the corporation's interest in making profits."

Keep in mind that in Europe, ESG disclosure requirements were already implemented earlier this year with a non-financial reporting directive for the EU's 6000 largest companies with at least 500 employees. These companies must report policies, risks and outcomes in the areas of human rights, employee relations, corruption and bribery, board diversity and environmental impact.

这不仅是在欧洲发生。在2013年12月,毕马威(KPMG),联合国环境计划署全球报告倡议组织公布胡萝卜加大棒:全球可持续发展报告政策 -竞彩足球app怎么下载 今天的最佳实践,未来的发展趋势[PDF], covering 45 countries and regions and 180 sustainability reporting policies and initiatives.

Clearly there is increased global interest in regulation and sustainability reporting, with several exchanges requiring it and the observation that corporate reports will increasingly focus on sustainability issues that are material for stakeholders and investors. It's time for us to embrace our responsibility to make money while adhering to responsible policies and practices, and being held accountable when failing to do so.

Top image of stock ticker byiamharinvia Shutterstock.
