


绿色建筑的想法并没有不胫而走。大众市场建筑行业是健忘。大多数在贸易杂志,如建筑文摘的结构是不是绿色的。上个月,The New York Times一篇文章in which Robert A.M. Stern, dean of Yale's architecture school, said, "I think the trouble with environmentalism is that at most architecture schools it's been confined to a dreary backwater of mechanical engineering." That is changing, the article reports, but not fast enough.


绿色建筑应该是道路promised land, where good design meshed with stewardship for the benefit of all, while the bottom line remained intact. But if Moses were an architect, he would have come back from the mountain with ten tablets of screw-ups and cover-ups.

So why is it so hard to build green? One response, of course, is that it isn't. In fact, there's a strong case to be made for a booming movement. Membership in the U.S. Green Building Council has grown to 6,000 since its founding in 1993. States and cities like Wisconsin, Seattle, and Portland, Ore., are adopting green building standards. There is reasonably strong federal action on the issue, if not at the level of the White House. And corporate leadership in the arena is expanding.

这一切听起来不错,直到你看看周围。尽量购买绿色家园在美国任何主要的细分,例如 - 这是罕见的在沙漠中的花朵。一些原因运动的成长速度缓慢是显而易见的:成本;文化和结构抗性;缺乏人才和专业知识;缺乏研究,资金和意识;和感知质量或安全性和可持续性之间的权衡。竞彩足球app怎么下载但也有考虑两个不太明显的原因。

首先是利益相关方都不敢挑战神话,绿色建筑是廉价和容易。一旦你通过的历程,你害怕指出疣,因为你现在的工作是一个模型,得到了极大的关注。但最终,缺乏意愿的承认故障使得行业从自己的错误中学习。在此之前,变化 - 直到大约有错误和缺陷,没有辉煌的成就会议 - 学习曲线将保持平坦。

作为知名建筑师绿色威廉·麦克唐纳后说环境建设新闻reported on problems with the environmental studies center he designed for Oberlin College, these are new projects. The point isn't that they work perfectly at first, it's that they eventually work well. And, I would add, that we learn as we go.

The second reason green building hasn't become more mainstream is that it's often discussed in a secret language, the code of a cabal. For instance, talk of "biomimicry" -- the idea that buildings should be modeled on natural systems -- is nearly inescapable. But as Michael Brown, an environmental consultant and editor at the河北工业生态学, points out, biomimicry seems mainly to be about making something straightforward (avoid toxics, strive for closed loops, minimize energy) into something that requires a consultant.

LEED,美国绿色建筑委员会的认证体系,拥有自己的阴谋般的性质了。该消息是,你必须知道LEED如果你想打造绿色。但LEED是不是你得到一个绿色建筑 - 这是你如何证明之一。这不是一个蓝图。如果它作为一个治疗,那么认证的担忧开始王牌性能,并推动这一进程。

在这里,在阿斯彭,我们提出新的保障性住房将在湖源热泵运行的水泵和使用结构隔热板。这将是这栋楼很辛苦to beat energy code by 40%. We'll need things like passive solar orientation; envelope efficiency, including superinsulation and tightness; and an efficient and right-sized heating system. What we won't need is a consultant, a biologist, a Ph.D., or a translator.

成功的绿色建筑依靠天赋和自由:合格的工程师,建筑师,建筑商和业主,最好带些绿色的经验,谁愿意承担风险,尝试新事物。东门大厦津巴布韦,其中自色调和转储热的夜晚,是不是成功的,因为它看起来像一个仙人掌(尽管这不会伤害) - 这是成功的,因为建筑师米克·皮尔斯是个天才,有人给了他自由支配,具有很大的工程公司,奥雅纳工程顾问的帮助下一起。

但是天赋和自由是供不应求。而这不可避免地导致一些看起来不像绿色建筑不是企业像往常一样,在抛出一个绿色的顾问在典型项目中,顾问 - 谁好心车主归于上帝般的气质 - 负责jury-索具已经注定过程。通过,例如,帮助文件,建筑物的钢螺栓和钢筋,这甚至在“棕色”项目被使用,被部分回收,并有助于使建筑真正的绿色环保。(这是我一直在内疚使用LEED时的感觉。)这种判断,进而导致被人们誉为“成功蓝图”对未来,并且其错误从不平庸的分析最终结果。

Change takes time, of course. But we don't have time. Buildings are a major contributor to atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, and we have to cut those soon just to stabilize them at twice preindustrial levels. As NASA scientist James Hansen has said, unless we move aggressively to reduce emissions in the next decade, future generations will face life on a planet unrecognizable to us.


奥登·施申德勒is director of Environmental Affairs at Aspen Skiing Company, where he is responsible for reducing the resort's environmental impact.

This column has been reprinted courtesy ofGrist.org。这是首次出版于2006年6月8日。
