

Segundo Guevara的木舱坐落在郁郁葱葱的山顶附近,周围环绕着大规模的树木,甜美的雾气和当然 - 咖啡种植园,它发出熟悉的甜味香味,在这些陡峭的山丘上似乎异国情调。

Guevara搬到了秘鲁亚马逊雨林的这一原始补丁,Alto Mayo受保护的森林(Bosque de Proteccion de Alto Mayo,交替缩写为BPAM或AMPF),来自Cajamarca的邻近地区。他不知道的是,他正在进入受保护的地区,他正在使用的不可持续的农业方法 - 燃烧和清除植物作物 - 正在摧毁一个批判性重要的生态系统。

世界需要这些密集的热带森林吸收二氧化碳并发出氧气,这是环境非政府组织的许多原因之一保护国际保护(CI) launched aREDD(减少森林砍伐和退化的排放)近五年前的项目。

Last year, the Alto Mayo REDD+ project was validated under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) as well as the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCB).

Before the project's validation, Disney, in a landmark move, donated $3.5 million to CI's work in Alto Mayo, contributing significantly to what the project has been able to achieve thus far.

The arc of deforestation

The story of the Alto Mayo REDD+ project began around 2008 and involves 419 farmers and their families as much as it does CI and Disney. At the time, Disney was looking to offset the environmental impact of their resorts by preserving a forest or ecosystem and had reached out to CI for suggestions. CI presented them with two nations containing endangered rainforest that needed saving: the Democratic Republic of Congo and Peru. Disney decided to start with Alto Mayo in Peru.

“近年来,受保护区已被侵犯,”秘鲁CI总监Luis Espinel说。

被搬入该地区等人的人被侵犯,砍伐树木和种植咖啡厂。CI估计,自1987年的Alto Mayo的创作以来,3,000个家庭迁入了182,000公顷的森林。


People were settled on the land by the time the government attempted to respond. In an effort not to make matters difficult for the settlers, the state permitted that they remain in the protected area so long as they practice sustainableagroecology,将生态学到农业系统,并签署保护协议(CAS),与定义具体保护结果的土地所有者协议。

"The idea was to give them instruments to continue farming, but without violating the Forest of Alto Mayo,” says engineer Maximo Arcos, who advises the project.

Agree and maintain

As part of the CA, Arcos says, each farmer was offered a technical package containing instructions for planting. The package discouraged using herbicides and included training on how to sow coffee in a way that’s compatible with the growth of native trees. The CA benefited the local people as much as it did the ecosystem. Their unsustainable farming practices had been depleting the soil, which forced farmers to relocate and cut down trees constantly in order to reach healthy soil.




While VCS verified the carbon impacts, CCB also measures the project's effects on communities as well as on the local plant and animal life. The standard confirmed the local life had improved with the REDD project and the CAs. This means 420 species of birds and 50 species of mammals, including the yellow-tailed woolly monkey found only in the Peruvian Andes, benefitted.


Disney's cruise and resorts generate a significant amount of emissions, which is why it is becoming involved in projects that mitigate GHG emissions. Working with CI to curb high deforestation rates is a key front in combating climate change. Deforestation generates more emissions than the transportation sector, especially when linked to the livestock sector in South America.

迪士尼已同意,作为环境的一部分,有限公司mmitments, to another grant of $3.5 million to CI's work in Alto Mayo. Disney is also considering showing films about Alto Mayo on their cruise ships.

Caring for the green and water

What else can be done for this wonderful place? At nearly 5 p.m., before the forest is hidden in fog, a person can see to the ends of the forest. But dozens of families still unknowingly destroy the forest by felling trees to grow coffee. Alto Mayo has a variety of orchids species, as well, that are put in jeopardy by poor land-use practices.

CI了解这一点,并与Sernanp(由州的保护自然区域的国家服务,或Servicio NacionaldeáreasPertemsprotegidas Por Estado)合作,以改善森林的管理。他们现在有26个游戏员巡逻,而在CI项目之前的10岁的地区巡逻。


It may not be the perfect setting (the ideal situation would have been for Alto Mayo to have been protected since its founding), but at least today Alto Mayo has achieved some system of conservation and has regained some of what has been lost over the years. The future looks far more promising than it did a few years ago. And as Espinel points out, the forest is useful as well as beautiful.


Alto Mayo Ecosystem提供20万人生活在这个附近的人,他们在他们的家中使用的清洁水以及浇水他们的作物。该地区随着雨水而来的雨水,穿过树木,穿过郁郁葱葱的山丘的凹槽来填充整个生态系统。砍伐树木剥夺了森林,也许那些生活在一起的人。

Dispel the mist




这个story通过许可转载生态系统市场本文由Kelli Barrett进行了英语,并由Steve Zwick编辑。

图像信用:CC许可证Peter Aka AnemoneProjectors /Flickr
