This article was originally published by世界资源研究所。
For those following Congressional climate policy in the United States, 2021 is ending with disappointment following setbacks to the Build Back Better Act in its current form, as Senate Democrats have (at time of writing) been unable to secure sufficient votes for passage.
The Build Back Better Act contains the heart of President Joe Biden’s domestic agenda, including over $500 billion in climate and clean energy provisions necessary for the U.S. to meet its climate goals. Congress must continue work towards passing needed climate and clean energy provisions that will build new sources of clean energy, make cost-saving energy technologies available to more households, invest in next-generation technologies and support energy workers.
尽管为Build Back Better Act的斗争还没有结束,但我们还必须确保将现有的联邦资金放在最佳的脱碳用途中。11月,拜登签署了1.2万亿美元基础设施Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
该法律包括数千亿美元的气候智能资金,代理商需要迅速采取行动,以使资金获得资金,以支持清洁能源和电网项目。由于2022年将是这些计划的关键实施期,因此有兴趣的利益相关者应组织起来,以确保这些资金得到利用,以实现最大的气候影响。公平与正义40要求 - 拜登的承诺,即40%的联邦气候和清洁能源投资受益于处境不利的社区 - 应集中于分配这些资金。
Adding new transmission lines is vital to decarbonizing the electric grid. Studies show that transmission capacity必须增加至少60到本十年结束时,百分比可以实现零排放电力系统。两党基础设施法为传输的大量投资提供了资金,这将有助于发展全国意义的输电线路,通过连接该国的地区来提高弹性,并改善获得更便宜的清洁能源的机会。
In addition to these funds, the bill includes important policy changes to federal transmission siting authority. It clarifies Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) authority on siting decisions for lines deemed to be in the national interest. This would enable FERC to authorize permits for interstate lines, and potentially overrule state siting decisions, for transmission lines determined to be part of national interstate transmission corridors.
The transmission provisions raise a number of implementation issues, including defining nationally significant transmission, where to prioritize investments, and how to address state and federal siting authority. Substantial stakeholder input will be needed to get these details right. The rules around siting will be critical for enabling the transmission build-out needed in the next decade and beyond.
2. Enabling smart and resilient grids
大量野火,飓风,热浪和extreme coldevents experienced this last year demonstrate the need for increasing grid resiliency. To address this, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides $11 billion over a suite of provisions to states, tribes and utilities to help make electric systems resilient to extreme weather, disasters and cyber-attacks.
Effective implementation of these provisions to encourage smart and resilient grids will need to include input from all key stakeholders, including states, tribes, utilities and other interested parties. A diverse set of technologies will be needed in different regions because of the range of threats and grid conditions that exist.
To reduce energy burden for low-income residents, the bill includes $3.5 billion for the Weatherization Assistance Program to increase energy efficiency and lower energy costs for customers vulnerable to energy price spikes and additional energy assistance funds for low-income households. There is also $7.5 billion to build out electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and $5 billion is available to help schools replace polluting diesel buses with electric and low-emission buses, helping kids breathe cleaner air. And $500 million will go toward energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at public schools, which can help reduce long-term energy costs for schools and provide protection against energy price spikes to free up school funds for teachers and students.
Implementation of clean energy investments in communities and schools is sorely needed. Ensuring a broad distribution of funds across regions, including in marginalized communities, is essential. Criteria for equitable distribution will be essential for effective distribution of these funds. Agencies should emphasize stakeholder outreach to historically marginalized communities and ensure that there is adequate input from a diverse set of stakeholders.
Clean energy investments in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will help support two of the nation’s biggest existing sources of carbon-free energy: nuclear and hydropower, which生成20 percent and 7 percent of 2020 U.S. electricity, respectively. These carbon-free energy sources必须维护使电网格脱碳。
Substantial funding is also available to accelerate the deployment of technologies needed to achieve net-zero emissions in the power sector, including batteries and new types of storage, advanced nuclear, hydrogen and carbon capture. For batteries, $6 billion in grants will be available to expand battery research and development, increase domestic battery production and support the domestic supply chain and recycling of critical materials. There is also $500 million available for长时间存储技术that can operate for days or weeks and help address weather-related and seasonal variability of renewables.
A total of $21.5 billion will be available for demonstration projects and research hubs through the Department of Energy, including $2.5 billion for advanced nuclear reactor projects and $1.5 billion for demonstration projects in rural and economically distressed areas. More than $8 billion will be available to advance clean hydrogen, including funds to support four regional clean hydrogen hubs to capture economies of scale in production, storage, distribution and use of hydrogen. This funding also includes research to reduce the cost of hydrogen production from electrolyzers and enable recycling and reuse of system components.
The Build Back Better Act must also pass to enable the clean energy transition
While implementation of the electric sector investments in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are vitally important, they are insufficient to fully decarbonize the power sector.More is needed随着气候规定Build Back Better Act- 在接下来的十年中,将在脱碳并快速扩展清洁能源生产方面发挥关键作用的转型软件包。
While implementation of the electric sector investments in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are vitally important, they are insufficient to fully decarbonize the power sector.
The House-passed version of the Build Back Better Act includes a $300 billion package of clean energytax creditsthat are essential to drive the renewable energy, transmission and storage projects needed to meet U.S. climate goals. These provisions are critical to deploying clean energy affordably and equitably. The Build Back Better Act makes important reforms to existing tax credits by expanding eligibility to new technologies such as battery energy storage and transmission, and makes direct pay reforms that will increase the accessibility of these technologies to public entities and households without significant tax liability. This will make technologies such as rooftop solar, residential energy efficiency and electric vehicles affordable for more households. Such tax credit reforms are just one piece of the important clean energy provisions within the Build Back Better Act.
两党基础设施定律的网格准备度量必须与Build Back Back更好的行为的清洁能量衡量配对。最近的WRI分析表明,必须将气候智能基础设施投资和通过税收抵免的联邦对清洁能源的支持结合起来,以使美国在本世纪中叶之前进入零排放的道路。这些投资还可以帮助降低家庭能源成本,其中一个分析估计家庭能源节省近500美元。
Independent分析consistently shows that enacting the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law alone will leave a significant emissions gap of almost 1 billion tons between current policy and the country's international climate commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 50-52 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.