在他最近的联盟地址状态下,奥巴马总统庆祝清洁能源在帮助美国赢得未来的作用announced a bold vision for the federal government in moving forward with clean energy solutions. The president’s commitment to clean energy is inspiring. But the states can also play an important role in winning the clean energy future.
提供建筑商的方法许多选择和途径满足能源效率目标是简单的常识。但华盛顿州building trade association冲进联邦地区法院去年,魅力llenging the new code as preempted by the federal Energy Policy Conservation Act, the law which establishes national energy efficiency standards for residential and commercial products such as furnaces. This challenge came from an industry playbook that has been tried before: Another trade association挑战了阿尔伯克基市采用的建筑能源代码,n.m.,并成功地部分阻止了该法律。
我们解释说,联邦法律实际上鼓励各国采用更有效的建筑规范,国会明确允许各国采用能源代码采用包括合规性途径的能源代码,只要不需要这些选项并且还有其他选择that don’t involve use of this equipment. Through evidence provided by nationally recognized building energy experts and Washington builders who understand that energy efficiency increases the value of homes, we argued that the state code is consistent with federal law.
法官在周一(2月7日)统治了我们的青睐。他抛出了贸易协会对所有罪名的挑战,发现华盛顿建设能源代码符合联邦法律的要求。In legalese, the court found that the trade association had failed to show either “that the Washington Code requires use of products with higher efficiency than mandated by federal standards as the only way to comply with the Code" or that the code " 'functionally’ or ‘effectively’ requires use of products that exceed federal efficiency standards.' " And in plain language, that’s good news for Washington homeowners’ pockets and for all state residents who like breathing cleaner air.
Moving forward, NRDC is committed to continuing to assist and support states and municipalities who want to use their local power to adopt and implement strong energy efficiency codes. Under the 2008 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, each state that accepted federal stimulus funds has pledged to adopt a stronger building energy code.http://switchboard.nrdc.org/blogs/lburt/is_your_governor_keeping_hishe.html