Bishop Baton Rouge的教区迈克尔·杜卡说,他参加了仪式祝福坟墓 - 就像所有圣徒的那一天一样 - 并使已经抗议拟议植物的居民感到听到。“关心地球是关于在基督里照顾我们的兄弟姐妹,”他说。“你不仅仅在建造这么多英亩的甘蔗。这是他们的家。”
Duca是Sharon Lavigne邀请邀请仪式的神职人员,该家族教区居民们创造了基层组织崛起的圣詹姆斯,努力阻止福尔摩沙从她家附近建造。Lavigne表示,对于宗教领袖来说,看看她的社区发生了什么。“我希望他们能与我们祈祷并帮助我们解决这个问题,”Lavigne说。“这就是我在留在坟墓的时候要求他们做的事情。我让他们加入我们的武力。”
Clergy have played a strategic role in bringing conviction and community to environmental justice causes由于运动开始in the 1980s, informing people about the disproportionate effects pollution has on communities of color and rural areas. This year in Louisiana, places of worship have served as physical and theoretical places for people of diverse backgrounds to meet and strategize to achieve two recent environmental victories.
Clergy have played a strategic role in bringing conviction and community to environmental justice causes since the movement began in the 1980s, informing people about the disproportionate effects pollution has on communities of color and rural areas.
On a Friday in November, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers暂停其许可证对于拟议的塑料工厂,而军队重新评估许可证的某些方面。居民和环保主义者挑战清洁水法允许的若干计数,包括保护墓地的尸体。虽然坟墓的起源尚未得到核实,但考古学家发现证据表明,他们可能是在18世纪中期建造的Buena Vista种植园努力的奴役非洲裔美国人的坟墓。Formosa表示,它将与路易斯安那州合作在公墓中识别遗体并尊重他们.
“[福尔摩沙]对甘露队在重新评估期间暂时暂停许可的决定感到失望,”该公司的发言人Janile Parks表示。“[Formosa]期待,真诚希望兵团将以客观,公正和迅速的方式处理此事,因此一旦对分析的重新评估完成,许可证分析将更强大。”
由于Covid-19大流行,塑料厂的主要建筑持续到2月。许可证暂停意味着公司无法清除密西西比河大堤附近的公司,直到军团决定恢复,撤销或修改福尔摩沙许可证。在法庭申请中,the Corps said it is re-evaluating the company’s consideration of other locations to build the plant, and previously eliminated five alternate sites in Ascension Parish based on false information.
Pastor Harry Joseph of the Mount Triumph Baptist Church in St. James Parish attended parish council meetings to question the permits after one of his parishioners was diagnosed with cancer. "My people were suffering from this," he said. "So, I needed to get more involved."
Joseph is a member of Rise St. James, a faith-based organization that advocates for racial, social and environmental justice. He said that the Corps’ decision to suspend Formosa’s permit was the group’s biggest victory so far. "Hopefully, that will stop Formosa from wanting to build here," he said. He plans to continue to fight for the health of his community. AProPublica analysis发现该设施将增加该地区的癌症的空气污染物水平。“作为领导人,如果我们不能走出来,遇到良好的麻烦,我们就会遇到错误的呼唤,”他说。
Churches — particularly Black churches — have played a role in the environmental justice movement since its inception, said Robert Bullard, a Texas Southern University professor often called the "father of environmental justice."
“我已经做了40年,我年代een people who are sustained by their faith," he said.
Faith leaders help make the connection for parishioners between good stewardship of the earth and spirituality, he said. Pastors build community and create a meeting space. "The pastor is the shepherd of the flock and that person is the watchful person who is keeping a good eye out for any dangers," Bullard said.
Environmental racism affects public health, housing and food security, said Rev. Emily Carroll of Shady Grove United Methodist Church in Mansfield. Working toward environmental justice, or the equitable distribution of environmental benefits and burdens, is a way to empower people, she said. Environmentalism has been a part of Carroll’s ministry since she studied in seminary.
她谈到了一个amendment on the Nov. 3 ballot这将为制造商提供大规模的免税额,允许公司与地方政府谈判较低的税收票据。卡罗尔表示,她担心它会从她的社区带走很需要的资源。“我们应该宣传和宣传我们应该为我们的教区家做更好的生活,”她说。
Together Louisiana, an interfaith network of over 250 religious and community groups, was instrumental in defeating Amendment 5. Over the past four years, the group has emerged as a vocal critic of Louisiana’s Industrial Tax Exemption Program (ITEP) — a state program that offers tax breaks and exemptions for manufacturing facilities — deeming it "corporate welfare."
联盟的战略讨论了强大的公共教育活动。新奥尔良的牧师牧师和Louisiana的长期成员的牧师牧师表示,该集团表示,当地的市政当局和居民以牺牲社区为代价为行业的大规模税收休息。根据A.2018 analysis by Together Louisiana,许多沿海,行业沉重的教区因豁免而失去了数百万美元的税收收入;例如,卡梅隆教区损失了61.8亿美元。
他们迅速动员了。Louisiana一起拥有一个系统来提升选民的选举周期:通过邻居定期检查块船长的州宽网络,以确保每个人都有投票计划。街区队长开始向选民通知修正案5的令人困惑的语言实际上是什么 - 以及他们的社区的赌注。
10月份路易斯安那州周四举办了Zoom会议,以传达修正案的成本和后果,数百人参加。其他团体也占据了地幔:老师的工会;地方税务评估员;和环境团体鼓励路易斯安那州选民投票没有,如此崛起圣詹姆斯, which held a march last month.
Rev. Jay Angerer of All Saints’ Episcopal Church in River Ridge was looking for ways to fight for environmental justice and first plugged into the Amendment 5 campaign through a virtual meeting. "I probably wouldn’t have been involved in Together Louisiana if it hadn’t been for the pandemic and Zoom," he said. Stunned at the prospect that companies could negotiate their taxes, he attended meetings and helped people practice their elevator pitches about the amendment, challenging them to speak to five, 15 or 50 people about it.
Angerer took his pitch to his congregation. Whenever they had a Bible study or adult education class, he spent a minute or two telling church members about the amendment. "The Bible speaks frequently about issues of justice, in the Old Testament and the New Testament," Angerer said. "People who are in power, and the church, are tasked with the responsibility of making sure that the orphans, the widows and the strangers of society, the outcasts, [and] the marginalized are protected."
These efforts paid off. By an overwhelming margin, every parish in the state — even typically GOP strongholds — voted it down. There was asignificant discrepancy在立法者及其成员方之间投票方式:114州立立法者投票赞成投票的修正案,只有20次投票(10票毫不少的投票)。但所有144个地区11月拒绝了它。
来自第一个恩典的英格丽斯因成功而挥霍。“这被一群教会人克服了,”他说。"The No. 1 comment from those precinct captains was, ‘What’s next?’ These people had a very powerful experience. They helped people vote, they helped inform people, and they had a strategy for using their power for the common good. That worked."
Borrowing from the book of Joshua, Angerer said, "Someone needs to blow the horn, you know?"
这个故事得到了Martin Methodist College的特纳中心支持。