
就是可竞彩足球app怎么下载持续发展在这里留下来吗?What retailers think

听到很多关于可持续零售供应商ility lately. Recent news include theSustainability Consortium沃尔玛的可持续发展指竞彩足球app怎么下载数中,Sustainable Apparel Coalitionand other major industry initiatives. But given a history of industry plans and programs which proved to be more trendy than durable, suppliers might be forgiven for wondering, “Is this just another fad, or something we should take seriously?” We found answers at three large U.S. retailers.




Many leading retailers are awakening to this emerging reality and realizing that, in the words of Scott Lercel, Director of社会责任与可持续发展竞彩足球app怎么下载at Target Corporation, “Sustainability is good for business … All major retailers seem to be looking at the sustainability space and how to integrate it into their current business model.” Why? One reason is that “driving operational efficiencies within your supply chain makes you more competitive and reduces operating costs.”


These leaders are not acting in isolation; the massive scale of the challenge has moved several retailers to collaborate in unprecedented ways. For the past few years, such unlikely bedfellows as Target, Walmart, Kohl’s, JC Penney, Nordstrom and Safeway have built uncommon partnerships like the Sustainability Consortium, the Sustainable Apparel Coalition and collaborations to get on the same page on sustainability. The result is what one participant (Walmart) describes as "a new retail standard for the 21st century."

不仅给消费者,通过更加可持续和最终实惠的产品,也让这个承诺主要优势的供应商,通过减少冗余,矛盾,浪费和无奈。从历史上看,供应商努力遵守多个零售商的负责任采购的预期已经面临什么最能礼貌地被描述为不同的定义,价值观念和遵约机制的泥沼 - 所有这些都造成审计疲劳并提出了对供应商,零售商和最终消费者的成本。“一直做这整个行业,” Lercel说,“可以提高效率,如果我们都要求在我们的行业同样的事情,我们可以更快地推动变革。”

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All these benefits have convinced Lercel that retailers are onto something big. Given the number of companies involved, he predicts the collective momentum is destined to "revolutionize the industry.” He also believes we are only seeing the beginning. “This is going to be an ongoing journey well past my lifetime,” he projects. Given the size and complexity of the challenge, he may well be right.

John Fojut, VP ofCorporate Sustainability在科尔的公司,也有类似的观察。他介绍,他的公司最近“怎么了我们的100强品牌供应商的37参加我们的研讨会上,我们怎么能就更好可持续性圆桌会议。竞彩足球app怎么下载这是第二次圆桌会议这次是该反应“这似乎终于要坚持我们已经在两年的供应商。我们之前听说过它,在过去,有时它消失了,但现在看来,在这里留下来。”“


然而,火山再次隆隆 - 从合唱公开声明从众多的沃尔玛高管今年四月,即,“我们还没有动摇过,我们不会动摇的可持续性。”从沃尔玛CEO迈克·杜克声明封顶竞彩足球app怎么下载今年九月 - 就在许多供应商可能会想到它是安全的把可持续发展放在次要 - 沃尔玛发布了竞彩足球app怎么下载呼吁采取行动数百个关键供应商的报告更详细的可持续发展信息。竞彩足球app怎么下载随后赶来的零售商的最新竞彩足球app怎么下载可持续发展的里程碑会议其中沃尔玛描述即将推出其生活的更好指标 - 基于对长期的,艰巨的工作Sustainability Consortium


我们希望看到你在浪尖上 - 而不是在他们之下。
