



今天,这是American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economyreleases its annualState Energy Efficiency Scorecardreport that ranks all 50 states and Washington, D.C. on their progress toward advancing energy efficiency policies across a wide array of sectors -- from buildings to industry -- that help businesses lower energy use and costs, as well as create a healthy energy efficiency industry.

This year's scorecard shows that despite federal inaction on energy policy, many states are taking the lead to help businesses reduce energy use and costs, and boost business development by embracing stronger energy efficiency measures.

加利福尼亚州再次排名第一 - 国家在我们排名的顶部有四年的奔跑。加利福尼亚州继续提高各种能源效率政策,影响公用事业,运输,建筑规范,综合发电和电力系统,州政府举措和家电效率标准,其中许多是对企业提供直接福利。好用的买球外围app网站



Some of our most-improved states, such as Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico, have moved up in the ranks this year by setting annual energy-saving goals for power providers. What this does is require utilities to meet these goals in a number of ways, such as providing financial incentives and rebates to businesses to make energy-saving improvements to offices and industrial facilities. Or by offering tiered electricity rates so that companies using less energy than the industry average are rewarded through lower energy bills.

所有这些步骤不仅正在帮助businesses lower energy use, reduce risk, and save money, but they also help create a thriving energy efficiency industry. It takes a lot of construction workers, contractors, designers, engineers, and energy service professionals to help businesses take a bite out of energy costs. For example, ina recent ACEEE reporton energy efficiency opportunities in Ohio, we estimated that a strong suite of energy efficiency policies in the state would create more than 30,000 net jobs by 2025 ("net" means jobs created in energy efficiency minus the jobs lost because energy demand is lower).

并非所有国家都是今年在我们的记分卡中的获奖者。北达科他州和密西西比州位于我们排名的底部,因为既不是州都才能推进能源效率。德克萨斯州和新罕布什尔州今年的排名下降,因为他们最近做了很少,以扩大他们的努力,允许其他国家通过它们。和几个州 - 康涅狄格州 - 康涅狄格州,新泽西州,纽约,新罕布什尔州和哥伦比亚特区 - 到目前为止突袭了数百万美元的能源效率,以试图平衡国家预算或减少赤字。这种短暂的国家支出的方法只能将企业(和消费者)投入更大的能源债务,并表达蓬勃发展的能效市场的发展。


Steven Nadel是执行董事American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy是一个非营利性研究组织,适用于促进节能技术和服务的方案和政策。

