

州街首席执行官兼董事长罗恩·奥汉利(Ron O'Hanley)

州街首席执行官兼董事长罗恩·奥汉利(Ron O'Hanley)于6月29日在纽约市的格林芬22号与格林比斯编辑主任希瑟·克兰西(Heather Clancy)交谈。Amayah Harrison的图片为Greenbiz。



该公司针对这一目的的战略是由于其参与旨在加速向零净经济的高调行业联盟的参与而告知的净零资产管理者倡议格拉斯哥金融联盟净零。更重要的是,州街主席兼首席执行官罗恩·奥汉利(Ron O’Hanley)领导可持续市场倡议旨在确定机构投资者将资本扩展到可持续投资(包括气候缓解和适应项目)的重新分配的方法,旨在确定机构投资者将资本重新分配扩展的方法。他还参加包容性资本主义理事会,专注于确保向清洁经济的过渡是公正和公平的。


在主题演讲中Greenfin 22奥汉利(O’Hanley)在6月下旬说,他认为州街作为资产经理最重要的角色之一是确保公司受到“独立,强大,有效”的董事会的监督。他说,在过去的10到15年中,州街对投资管理发挥了积极作用,近年来,这一承诺加深了支持其环境,社会和治理(ESG)战略。

When asked for an example of how this practice is yielding progress, O’Hanley pointed to an unnamed oil "major" that faced a shareholder proposal last year related to disclosing its emissions of methane — a potent super-polluting greenhouse gas that often leaks from oil and natural gas production systems and pipelines. After discussions with State Street and other investors, the company’s management supported the proposal moving forward. “To me, that is evidence that the stewardship is working, because ultimately, it doesn’t help to be confrontational all the time,” O’Hanley said during GreenFin 22. "You need to do it sometimes, but ultimately management needs to manage companies, boards need to oversee companies, and we need to be there to move along in a way that is useful to the shareholders."




他说:“最终,脱碳将不得不在高碳发射器中进行。”"So, divestment doesn’t accomplish anything. In fact, investment may be what’s required. It may be, in fact it’s highly likely, that many of these companies are going to need more capital to actually get to the decarbonized state that we all desire. … The path from brown to green 1) is going to take some time and 2) is going to need to pass through light brown before it gets to green because it’s not going to happen overnight."

Reflecting on his work on the Sustainable Markets Initiative, orchestrated by the Prince of Wales, O’Hanley pointed to the role of public-private partnerships in supporting investments in sustainable infrastructure — particularly in emerging markets, which could benefit from renewable energy infrastructure rather than coal-fired power plants. For example, multilateral development banks can step in to assume currency or political capital risks that money managers and pension funds are unable to carry, he said. "If you can take that risk out of the equation, it opens things up to more capital."


O’Hanley说,在新兴市场上的投资对于支持正义过渡至关重要,他们应该受到更多关注。他说:“如果您考虑脱碳,如果您考虑到零净的途径,我会认为这是世界面临的第一个真正的全球问题。”“例如,美国没有比较的优势,例如,印度也没有。”因此,State Street积极参与其投资组合,以了解他们在开展业务的地理位置上是否采取行动支持净零过渡的原则。


"You can have the best plans in the world — and we need to do more planning, we need to as a society be bringing together decarbonization plans with energy policy; we talk about these as if they are separate things," O’Hanley observed. "But it’s also a reminder that stuff will happen over time. And that the answer is not to say, ‘Well we can’t do this anymore.’ [The answer is] ‘All right, well given this and given the need to be just and how are we going to figure energy costs for those for whom this is a major portion of their income, we need to figure that out, but we can’t take our eyes off the long-term prize.’"

[对Greenfin 22的更多报道感兴趣吗?阅读更多这里。]。
