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App, of course, is short for “application software.” As anyone with a smartphone, tablet or PC knows, apps come in a vast assortment of flavors: utilities, games, social networking, shopping, productivity, communications, remote monitoring and more. Lots more.

The growth of apps mirrors some of sustainability’s other technology trends — the sharing economy, the smart grid, machine-to-machine communications. All are about data. Big Data: unprecedented and unfathomable volumes of 1s and 0s traversing our world, informing our (and our machines’) decisions about how to achieve the most with the least while addressing everyone’s needs. Energy, water, waste, toxics, carbon — the future of all of these things is linked in large part to how, and how well, we can measure, track, monitor and optimize their flows. And that’s all about data, and the apps that make it useful.

在一个对清洁技术的看法是,它在很大程度上“失败了” - 见证了破产的初创公司和失去投资,并且(至少在美国)在2012年对清洁技术出现的有毒政治对话 - 应用程序可能会节省下来优雅。清洁技术中许多最有前途的初创公司都集中在设备和应用程序上,使个人,家庭,企业和城市能够使用数据来改善其能源和环境足迹。

竞彩足球app怎么下载与可持续性有关的应用程序涵盖了主题和受众的范围 - 专业精神。随机抽样:绿仪(如上图所示;计算车辆的功率和燃油使用情况,并评估您的驾驶以提高效率),joulebug(一种社交手机游戏,可奖励玩家减少能源浪费),为您的城市提供免费的每日空气质量警报),iRecycle(access to more than 1.5 million ways to dispose of stuff),iGo Vampire Power Calculator(显示您的房屋使用和成本中的电子设备的能量),PEV4ME(calculates the financial and environmental impacts of driving plug-in electric vehicles),Light Bulb Finder(显示如何从传统的灯泡转变为具有相同拟合,样式和轻质质量的节能等效物)和Goodguide(provides health, environmental and social performance ratings for consumer products).

许多应用程序利用了Green Buttonprogram, launched in 2012 by California utilities but quickly championed by the White House. It standardizes the delivery of energy data from utilities to enable energy users to analyze and optimize their energy use. Green Button was designed as a catalyst to create an ecosystem for software developers to produce new services and products. That ecosystem seems to be emerging. Dozens of apps now exist that allow consumers and businesses to download data and interpret it in a variety of ways. Examples includeVelobill,,,,分布式能量计算器,,,,GreenSuiteand埃特斯特

Some of these come from big companies;明智的EMS例如,是北美部门施耐德电气公司(Schneider Electric)的绿色按钮应用,这是法国巨型电气工程公司。另一个巨人Alcoa创造了Aluminate,一个促进回收铝罐的应用程序。其他应用程序是公司的游戏化策略的一部分回收银行andOpower,他们的企业专注于使用基于Web和移动的游戏技术来吸引消费者和小型企业对更环保的负责。这些应用中的许多应用程序来自小型初创公司(所谓的“ CleanWeb”公司)将数据和应用程序作为盈利企业。还有一些来自非营利组织和寻求促进和实现环境行为的政府机构。

And a few emerge from the growing number of “hackathons” — events in which computer programmers, graphic designers, user-interface experts and others collaborate over a short period — typically a day or a weekend — on software projects. Hackathons are being sponsored by cities, nonprofits and for-profits, and tend to have a specific focus. Some have sustainability as a key driver.

考虑黑客城,Greenbiz集团在2012年举行的黑客马拉松作为其Verge SF会议的一部分。周末的活动汇集了几十名参与者,他们自组织成团队并上班。他们的目标是使用数据集和编程工具来创建可以改变用户能耗的应用程序。Hack City的数据和工具由General Motors的Onstar部门,Johnson Controls和旧金山市环境部以及该市提供SFPARK办公室。这些团队竞争设计应用程序,在周末结束时,该应用程序就在一群评审小组面前,他们将现金奖项授予获胜团队。(您可以在this page。)

然后是所有平台的母亲Facebook,在2012年通过了数十亿人的成员。它还雇用了其首位可持续发展主管:Bill Weihl,以前是Google的“ Energy Czar”。竞彩足球app怎么下载Weihl在Facebook任务的一部分是寻找利用公司大规模网络的方法促进环境行为。像Opower和Recyclebank这样的公司已经使用了Facebook的平台,但是像在线世界中的所有内容一样,其他人几乎都有无限的空间。

