
Two Steps Forward

The State of Green Business 2022


Adapted from the 2022 “State of Green Business,” published today by GreenBiz Group.在这里下载报告


The worlds we collectively inhabit — corporate sustainability, sustainable finance, the circular economy, climate tech — are all reaching inflection points, growing and changing faster than many could have imagined. Along the way, they’re roiling industries, companies, jobs and career paths — mostly for the better but also in a be-careful-what-you-wish-for kind of way.


The worlds we collectively inhabit are reaching inflection points, growing and changing faster than many could have imagined.

确实,过去两年的流行生活似乎使可持续的业务相对毫发无损。有充分的理由:尽管我们自我隔离,但Klieg的灯光集中在公司的环境和社会承诺以及绩效上,越来越明亮,更热,随着人们对变化规模,范围和变化步伐的关注而增加。随着气候变化的迹象变得越来越明显,而且昂贵 - 商业世界终于认识到可持续性不仅是一项不错的活动。竞彩足球app怎么下载

Which is not to say that companies are solidly on the case. True, the pace of change has quickened, with more companies making bigger commitments, but it’s far from what’s needed to address the challenges before us. Carbon emissions, which dropped in tandem with the tanking global economy during 2020, resumed their relentless climb in 2021, faster than many scientists predicted, according to the Global Carbon Project. And scientists expect emissions to rise even further in 2022 as the global economy continues to pick up steam.

That’s just one data point, albeit a significant one, casting a pall over the corporate sustainability landscape. There’s the continued loss of biodiversity spurred by land-use changes from economic growth coupled with the ravages of a changing climate. There’s the ongoing loss of fisheries and marine ecosystems upending the seafood industry. There’s the growth of water stress due largely to population and economic growth: Just over half — 52 percent — of the world’s projected 9.7 billion people will live in water-stressed regions by 2050, with most in developing economies, according to the MIT Integrated Global System Model Water Resource System.





We’re already seeing the fruits of those innovations: plant-based proteins, textiles and chemicals; advanced, low-carbon steel, concrete and other materials; the electrification of buildings and vehicles; cleaner and more resilient energy systems; adaptive, climate-resilient infrastructure.

One challenge, and opportunity, is whether and how these innovations scale quickly enough to offset the growing global economy, and whether they will be accessible to those at every rung of the economic ladder — in particular, communities, businesses and individuals in rapidly growing economies in Asia, Africa and South America.

It won’t be easy. If the inequitable distribution of COVID vaccines is any indication, the world’s richest countries are ill-prepared to adequately care for those in need. To the extent that we can view the current pandemic as a peek into the kinds of global emergencies we may increasingly be confronting — well, it’s a sobering reality check.

One bright spot in all this is the world of finance, which has finally recognized both the business risks and opportunities of a climate-changing world. The world’s largest banks, insurance companies, institutional investors and pension funds are increasingly moving funds out of polluting industries — or, at least, companies within those industries deemed to be least prepared to meet the new environmental realities — and into companies and funds that seem to be part of the solutions.




If corporations do — and that’s a big "if" — the private sector could further burnish its credentials as a positive force for change. However, if businesses opt for short-term profit over longer-term survival, it will be that much tougher to make progress. Either way, the story of corporate climate advocacy will be one of the more interesting to watch in the year ahead.

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