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The Inside View


I admit it. I was probably too harsh ("simplistic and senseless") on the socially responsible investment (SRI) community when I wrote myfirst column关于这个主题,今年早些时候。我非常希望他们成为促进美国企业加速其可持续性计划的救世主。竞彩足球app怎么下载

That’s unreasonable. While the SRI community is an effective ethical watchdog on important CSR issues, they are not the force that will bring sustainability to the mainstream financial markets.

Since then, I’ve learned about the资本市场项目的未来,由高级草地学院(HMI)主席克里斯·皮尼(Chris Pinney)领导。该项目是关于将当今的ESG 1.0转换为ESG 2.0。这项工作听起来可能会增加,但他的观点实际上是非常破坏性的。它希望将可持续性职业转向其脑海,在倾倒一些竞彩足球app怎么下载神圣的奶牛的同时拥抱新的卧床。

资本市场项目的未来仍在其旅途中很早。Pinney已将ESG(环境,社会,治理)的领导者汇聚出了主要的金融投资管理公司,资产所有者和公司融资,以开始致力于获得ESG 2.0的挑战。

  • ESG 1.0is externally driven by stakeholders; risk-based; peripheral; niche; siloed and incremental.
  • ESG 2.0is about value creation. It’s industry driven; integrated; reward-based; global and transformative.

竞彩足球app怎么下载在将投资社区纳入其业务案例的一部分时,可持续性专业人士的SRI Kool-Aid饮酒过多。明天询问您的首席财务官,去年,她或他从主流金融资产经理那里收到竞彩足球app怎么下载了多少个可持续性问题。我敢打赌,答案为零或接近它。

竞彩足球app怎么下载在将投资社区纳入其业务案例的一部分时,可持续性专业人士的SRI Kool-Aid饮酒过多。


"By and large, the SRI field is certainly a fast-growing part of the investment marketplace," said Pinney. "But at the moment it’s very much a niche market, and it’s still for people who have certain values or certain kinds of things they don’t want to invest in. It’s not seen as a strategic lens by which you manage the core of your investment portfolio, your strategy, your valuation models."


The other Kool-Aid SRI argument I often hear is that an abundance of sustainability data is available to the investment community. For example, every asset manager has a Bloomberg terminal with a tab for dozens of ESG factors. The problem is the data behind these factors is gathered through companies’ CSR reports and other public information. According to Pinney, most of this has little direct connection to financial value.

Pinney envisions a different investment world. He does not see dozens of sustainability criteria and checkboxes: "ESG will not get traction until sell-side analysts, when doing an analysis of an industry or a company, actually consider a handful of key ESG factors that have a material impact the performance of the company, and they say, ‘I’m going to include them into my valuation model.’"


Pinney与HMI董事会成员和哈佛商学院教授George Serafeim领导的研究与合作是企业可持续性专业人员道路上的重要叉子。竞彩足球app怎么下载它挑战了公司可以专注于许多目标的观念。





You can waste a lot of time on ESG issues that may placate a few stakeholders but distract you from the issues that matter and add value.





Can you team up with your financial team and agree on the three sustainability goals that bring value to the business? Should you focus your attention more internally on accomplishing these goals versus spending time with external stakeholders?


Corporate sustainability leaders have done an outstanding job integrating sustainability into areas such as supply chain and operations, gaining efficiencies, reducing risk and saving money. Now it’s time to shift toward getting the attention of the mainstream investment community.

