





Brands and consumer packaged goods companies (CPG) are responding, making bold commitments to improve the sustainability of their packaging and help advance a circular economy. Some of them are rethinking their whole process, from the amount of recycled content they incorporate to how they work with suppliers.

As companies aim for new, sustainable innovations, it is important that alternatives to single-use plastic do not create more or worse challenges than those we are working to solve. We have to be strategic as we try to course correct and move from a linear, take-make-dispose trajectory toward a circular economy.

Sustana’s part is to make sure materials that come to us at the end of life are fully recyclable so they can go into new packaging today, and so we can continue to feed the supply chain in the future.



We can also support companies on collecting postconsumer material and provide a dependable supply of feedstock for new packaging. But to continue feeding the supply chain we must be able to collaborate closely with package designers as they vet plastic-free alternatives. It’s how we can ensure we are able to recycle what they engineer downstream — eco-design of packaging, for example, must become the norm.

“ Ecodesign是一种共同的方法,使所有参与者从设计到供应和商品销售。”魁北克省欧洲企业企业经济和循环经济总监GenevièveDionne说。手机app买球靠谱吗“只有反映所有参与者之间有意识的共同责任的行动才能改变我们的业务实践,并导致消费者行为的持久变化。”

Important to our success is that we start early, reviewing companies’ technologies on the front end of development. By working with designers during the design stage, we can align what’s coming through our back door with what goes out our front door. We avoid potential pitfalls, ultimately saving everyone time and money.

For instance, we are seeing a lot of efforts to make barrier coatings that can be incorporated into paper-based packaging, enabling an alternative to plastic. As companies focus on ways to keep moisture and oils in the packaging, and to keep oxygen out, they should concentrate equally on recyclability.

We can process a fair amount of what comes to us, including the plastic-free barrier coatings that we have received to date; we can separate them. These barrier coatings typically are broken down in our pulping process and removed in the initial stage of flotation. We can also remove silicone from release liners and separate cellulose from multilayered structures.

However, while sophisticated technology exists, it is capital intensive. Many recyclers don’t have the equipment to process complex materials. And as designs change, even those of us who can handle much of what’s produced today will need assurance we can recycle new products in the pipeline.


We do not need to know designers’ chemical formulas. We can take samples to identify or rule out potential issues. In some cases, we can figure out how to adjust our existing infrastructure to be able to process alternatives, if we know in advance what we are dealing with.




There has to be a way to monetize that circularity. This requires a deep analysis of the costs and likely impact of decisions brands are considering and aligning those decisions with their sustainability goals. A lifecycle analysis can help inform and guide this process.


实现可持续性的关键是从线性思维转变为循环思竞彩足球app怎么下载维。为了在这项工作中取得成功,车轮必须开始向上转到上游,包装创建策略贯穿了供应链,这意味着品牌所有者需要在包装中回收内容 - 而不是在生产线结束时为这些产品寻求解决方案。这将使整个供应链对齐,然后开始循环。

As packaging producers, it’s our responsibility to balance the functional needs of the package to protect the product and provide the required shelf-life while ensuring that we minimize our environmental footprint through designs that incorporate high levels of recycled fiber and are also recyclable.

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