
Rethinking governance for a changing world

Governance, and how to improve it, is a vital issue that affects every citizen because it gets to the heart of how we organize ourselves as communities, companies and as a society to achieve our most basic objectives. The issue of governance, the process by which decisions are made and implemented, is as old as civilization itself.


Governance is practiced today in one of three principal ways: through top-down hierarchies (command and control) characteristic of governmental bodies and many corporations; through networks such as markets where buyers and sellers agree on price levels and other conditions for transactions of specific products and services; and through collaborative partnerships where individuals, groups or institutions find common cause to achieve specific goals that none can separately attain. Within specific organizations, such as government agencies or corporations that must reconcile many kinds of economic and social objectives, all three types of governance can operate simultaneously. These objectives can range from complying with corporate financial disclosure requirements, improving air quality, participating in local land use decisions, or managing the diverse participants in a global supply chain.

Much of the current focus on governance deals with the management of individual issues or processes within large established institutions. This approach to governance is being fundamentally disrupted and transformed. Three major factors explain this disruption: 1) the growing scale and complexity of governance challenges where impacts can be global, regional and local simultaneously (think turbulence in the financial markets); 2) the emergence of system-level challenges that defy the jurisdictions or capabilities of institutions (consider the interrelationships involving climate change, the exacerbation of drought or flood conditions and the availability of water supplies for drinking or food production); and 3) the near-instantaneous availability of information to citizens (see the immediate reaction of customers who do not wish to pay higher access fees for banking services).

All three factors are now in play in the evaluation of how to make the New York metropolitan region, and other major population centers around the world, more resilient to future storm surges or sea level rise. Should residents of flood damaged or destroyed properties rebuild on the same sites that may again be vulnerable, and receive flood insurance backed by taxpayers? Should a sea wall be constructed to protect against future storm surges or should wetlands be enhanced to create natural barriers to rising water levels? Should power generation and distribution systems be relocated and building codes modified? How can local, state and federal officials, as well as the private sector, non-governmental organizations and individual citizens, have a voice in answering these and other questions?




向前迈出的主要一步是提高治理,以便与我们面临的问题的系统级规模相匹配。One example of system level governance recently was announced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that proposes to regulate food safety and quality across the entire value chain of agricultural enterprises responsible for providing fresh fruits and vegetables on America’s tables rather than responding, in ambulance-like fashion, to health incidents that already have occurred. As a result, growers, packagers, retailers and other enterprises involved in the agricultural chain of custody will, in the future, have a series of individual responsibilities (such as ensuring that irrigation water met certain standards, preventing bacterial contamination of fresh food, providing toilet and washroom facilities for agricultural workers and maintaining records and plans for managing contamination incidents) as part of a comprehensive system of information and management that will be more transparent to all, including consumers. Under this system, targeted regulation can co-exist with and support a market-based system.

This example of system level governance embodies three critical attributes: 1) investing in data collection and information technologies that makes for a “smarter” decision making process by obtaining a system-level view of the problems rather than focusing on one issue or constituency at a time; 2) modifying governance processes to enable participants to respond to big picture needs as well individual issues of immediate concern; and 3) providing greater power to consumers to alter their own behaviors and choices by making available more relevant and timely information.


Boardroom image by hxdbzxy viaShutterstock
