
A radical idea to get a high-renewable electric grid: Build way more solar and wind than needed

著名的发明家埃德温·兰(Edwin Land),“这并不是我们需要新的想法,而是我们需要停止有旧的想法。”他似乎在告诉我们,解决方案就超出了我们的旧思维习惯。


实际上,只有两个可再生能源足够大(PDF)to meet these very high-penetration objectives on the supply side in the United States — solar (by far) and wind.



这个古老的想法忽略了一个基本命题:过度尺寸和主动减少风和太阳能. However counterintuitive, a study our colleagues and we conducted shows that these steps are the key to the least expensive path to an electric grid powered largely by solar and wind.

Weighing against energy storage

The reasoning behind overprovisioning solar and wind is straightforward:

  • 储能当太阳不发光或风不会吹来时,填充可再生能源可变性所需的一种基本要素。这些差距包括日期内的时间,例如白天和黑夜的高峰需求时间,更重要的是,持续的低日期或低风速条件的较大的多日和季节性差距。对于存储,网格操作员 - 确保电源在白天上升和下降时的需求与需求相匹配的组织 - 通常依靠水库pumped hydro或者,在较短的时间内,电池。

  • 存储越来越便宜,但是即使假设最乐观的长期成本预测,我们的研究也使我们得出结论,由于多日和季节性差距的规模,仅将存储单独应用于牢固的风能或太阳能方面都将保持昂贵。风和太阳能也变得越来越便宜,特别是太阳能,到建筑物越来越负担得起的地步。即使来自风和太阳能发电机的输出基本上被倾倒或“限制”并且未馈入网格,这也是正确的。

  • Oversizing reduces production gaps because more energy output is available during periods of low solar and wind availability. Overbuilding also reduces storage requirements.

Energy Storage and solar graph

‘Firming’ with overcapacity

Today, the current regulatory practice for solar and wind-generated electricity favors maximizing production at all times. The companies that operate these facilities seek to sell all their output at the highest prices, so curtailing output is seen as a revenue loss.


That old operational idea inhibits the transition to relying on solar and wind as firm, on-demand sources. ... This approach also keeps renewable energy at the margin.
How would a grid with overbuilt solar and wind resources work in practice? Let’s say the operator of a regional electricity grid needs X megawatt-hours/day to meet demand. Today the solar farms in that region can meet or exceed this demand only on days of the highest production, such as clear days in the summer. On other days, the production gaps are met by storage.

By contrast, when the solar resource is oversized, that solar generator can meet the X MWh/day demand more days of the year and there are fewer gaps — hence fewer times that energy storage is need to fill the gaps.

Once firmed up through a combination of overprovisioning and storage, variable renewable energy resources become effectively dispatchable — able to provide power when as needed — and functionally equivalent to traditional power plants. In this way, renewables can replace these generators without major grid reengineering.

Our team has modeled a高极性和过度建筑溶液(PDF)for the not particularly sunny state of Minnesota. The goal was to determine the least costly combination of grid-connected solar, wind and storage necessary to provide round-the-clock, year-round energy services.

The study demonstrates that overcoming the natural variability of solar and wind can be accomplished at costs below current grid costs (so-called "grid parity") by overbuilding solar and wind resources and adopting a grid operating strategy of allowing about 20 percent to 40 percent curtailment of excess energy generation. Energy storage is also used in our model, but the superior economics directly result from substituting excess curtailable generation for more expensive storage.

A legitimate question to ask is what would be the area required for a full deployment of oversized solar PV. For Minnesota, in the most extreme 100 percent PV generation scenario assuming oversizing by a factor of two — or doubling the solar needed to meet current demand — this area would amount to 435 square miles, assuming solar panels with state-of-the-art efficiency of 20 percent. This area represents不到该州的1%种植的农作物和中等密度的城市化空间的一半。

Wind turbines



  • Exploiting the complementary performance and variable operating profiles of solar and wind. In most locations wind and solar have complementary diurnal and seasonal production profiles — wind higher at night and in winter, PV higher in the daytime in summer.

  • Using demand management — the practice of reducing power use at electricity customer locations — as a way to minimize supply and demand gaps.

  • Enabling grid operators to have authority over renewable energy siting and production management within their regions so that decisions over when curtailment occurs or storage is applied are made on a regional basis to minimize gaps in supply and demand.


Marc Perez, senior researcher at Clean Power Researcher, who wrote his dissertation at Columbia University on this subject, contributed to this article. Morgan Putnam, VP of Solar Analytics at REsurety, also contributed.

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