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Clean Energy Deal Tracker

Q1 2022: The hottest trends in corporate renewable energy procurements


公司在2022年第一季度继续签署新的可再生能源交易,但是电力购买协议(PPA)的螺旋成本正在使交易更加难以找到 - 和墨水。




  • The quarter’s largest deal came fromVerizon。The company announced a suite of seven new virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs), which it calls Renewable Energy Purchase Agreements, with a collective capacity of 910 MW. The new deals bring the company’s procurements to 2.6 gigawatts since December 2019, according to a发布
  • Other telecommunication companies had a strong showing as well.一种T&T announcedtwo VPPAs, collectively reaching 155 MW, andComcast达成了250兆瓦太阳能的交易。
  • 美国铝生产商铝业墨水西班牙573兆瓦的签名前一致。该协议正在授予确保许可证,是最新的工业制造商,以寻找绿色运营的方法。欧洲的能源价格飞涨已导致能源费用占原铝生产总成本的60%,这使该公司搜索了新的能源选择。
  • 元(以前称为Facebook的科技巨头)墨水new交易with a collective capacity of 581 MW.

Clean energy procurements get more expensive

像其他一切一样,采购可再生能源的成本也在上升。根据对市场进行的分析,与去年相比的增加是惊人的28.5%LevelTen Energy

The cause of that increase is a confluence of factors on both the supply and demand side, as well as rising soft costs.


在供应方面,可再生能源技术受到供应链中断的影响,某些组件的成本飙升。对于太阳能而言,这是由于美国对与可怕的侵犯人权和强迫劳动惯例相关的特定中国生产者的进口而加剧了这一点。别忘了,美国也强加了关税on imported solar panels, which the Biden administration just extended for four years (although with some requirements eased).

同时,需求正在上升。越来越多的公司已经在寻求墨水交易以实现清洁能源目标,导致市场运行。This has been exacerbated since the start of the Ukraine war, with more organizations looking to double down on renewable energy investments and get off fossil fuels. All this has led to a pinch on the availability of contractors to build projects.

Finally, soft costs are also rising, with issues such as an interconnection backlog and permitting resistance adding to the price tag. Interconnection costs can sometimes在项目过程中加倍, Rob Collier, vice president of energy marketplace at LevelTen, toldUtility Dive

一种new report from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratoryfind that the interconnection backlog is becoming a key barrier to the clean energy transition. While there are enough planned projects to bring the U.S to 80 percent clean energy by 2030, if the past is a predictor of the futureless than a quarterof them are likely to be built.

Levelten开发人员服务高级总监Gia Clark在主管摘要中写道:“说,项目开发的几乎每个方面都比两年前的各个方面变得更具挑战性。”

The result is project online dates continuing to slip into the future.爱迪生能源的市场更新报告finds 30 percent of new projects are offering longer waits to come online compared to one year ago. The number of projects expecting to come online 2025 or later spiked by 90 percent.

What can corporations do? Support the Build Back Better Act. Without policies, it’s likely PPA prices will continue to rise. Corporations know how to lobby Congress when they want something. So do that.

Geothermal is in the mix


地热可以用作牢固,清洁能源- 这意味着它不是断断续续的,例如太阳能和风 - 并提供了有希望的重新训练的机会化石燃料劳动力that is good at drilling stuff.

本季度,我们看到地热项目与能源提供商之间的交易数量有所增加。总部位于加利福尼亚的社区选择聚合商半岛清洁能源加利福尼亚州的26兆瓦地热能进入了15年的PPA。萨克拉曼多市政区在加利福尼亚州达成了10年的100兆瓦协议。一个德国能源提供商进入了20-year deal在曼海姆市附近。

地热成为可再生能源交易中的资源并非闻所未闻,但这很少见。根据我们为季度采购跟踪器所做的过去研究,唯一一项签署地热协议的美国公司受到了热资源的控制Q1 2020, when the lithium project developer was betting it could extract lithium from geothermal brine from California’s Salton Sea.

While geothermal isn’t a go-to energy resource for corporations just yet, these early deals indicate that the technology may be maturing, fitting more use cases and getting more affordable. Given the imperative to deploy more dispatchable clean energy technologies, corporations should certainly consider how they could ink deals to encourage the development of more geothermal projects.

一种word about the clean energy tracker


When GreenBiz began tracking corporateclean energy procurement trends four years ago, the task was relatively straightforward. Only a handful of companies were procuring renewables through PPAs, and there had only been a couple of dozen deals total. When organizations went through the complex and laborious process of structuring a deal, they wanted people to know. They published press releases and shared details.


This is great news for the maturation of the clean energy market. But it makes the job of compiling deals much more complicated and increasingly limited. As a result, we are sunsetting the leaderboard and will instead focus on analyzing top trends.

