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GreenBiz Reads

The power of engagement and intrapreneurism in sustainability leadership

The following is excerpted from"All In: The Future of Business Leadership,"大卫·格雷森,克里斯·库尔特和李明勋(Routledge出版社,2018)

丹尼尔粉红色中写道remarkable book "Drive"about what motivates people, saying it boils down to three things. "It’s about autonomy, the desire to steer your own ship; it’s about mastery, the ability to be able to steer that ship well; and it’s about purpose, knowing that your journey has some wider, broader meaning." Engagement also requires that people feel they are treated fairly; that they are listened to; and that they are cared for.

Google is a company that has been built on a culture of radical, constant innovation. In 2017, it topped the Fortune " Best Places to Work" list for the sixth year in a row. A range of programs and benefits help foster what employees say is a "safe and inclusive" workplace at this hive of high performers. Employees can make use of any of a number of channels of expression to communicate their ideas and thoughts. These include Google Plus conversations, a wide variety of surveys, Fixits (24-hour sprints wholly dedicated to fixing a specific problem), TGIFs (Google’s weekly all-hands meetings, where employees ask questions directly to the company’s top leaders and other executives about any number of company issues), and even direct emails to any of the Google leaders.


One of us (David) has previously written about the potential of social intrapreneurs, who are:

People within a large corporation who take direct initiative for innovations that address social or environmental challenges while also creating commercial value for the company. . .. They leverage existing infrastructures and organizational capabilities to deliver social value on a large scale. . .. Social intrapreneurs aim to generate entirely new forms of commercial value through significant innovations in products, services, processes or business models for their employers.

Social intrapreneurism is likely to be a powerful extra force driving progress toward the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. Some companies are now putting selected employees through Intrapreneur Labs and other training programs, running "Dragon’s Den" style competitions where intrapreneurs can pitch their ideas, and have established Intrapreneurs’ Innovation Funds.

Google was one of the first companies to send young leaders with intrapreneurial potential to the Aspen Institute for Business & Society’s First Movers program. Several well-known Google products originated with intrapreneurs including Google News, Gmail, AdSense, driverless cars, Google Glass and the pioneering use of Google mapping tools to help landmine clearance and to prevent illegal logging.

Transparency and openness


Another element of a sustainability culture, therefore, is fast becoming a willingness to embrace transparency. Over the lifetime of the Leaders Survey, we have seen an explosion not just in the percentage of large companies producing annual sustainability reports, but also in their quality and rigor. The consulting firm KPMG has tracked the trends in corporate responsibility reporting since 1993. In their latest analysis, they conclude: "Corporate Responsibility reporting is standard practice for large and mid-cap companies around the world. Around three-quarters of the companies studied in this survey issue CR reports."

Companies such as Nike and M&S now publish details of all their suppliers’ factories. SC Johnson’s "What’s Inside" initiative publishes comprehensive details of all its product ingredients. Companies such as Legal & General, the insurance giant, publish exhaustive details of and rationale for their corporate tax strategy.


In our internal operations, top management will work as a group, and with maximum transparency. This includes an "open book" policy that enables employees easy access to decisions within normal boundaries of personal privacy and "trade secrecy." At all levels of corporate activity, we encourage open communications, a collaborative atmosphere, and maximum simplicity while we simultaneously seek dynamism and innovation.



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