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Phoenix launches a hub for the circular economy


在大学的资源创新和解决方案网络(RISN),该计划周三宣布,正式将被称为RISN Incubator。在那里,组织者将在围绕一个概念周围抓住势头手机app买球靠谱吗, or business models built on eliminating waste by continually cycling materials back through supply chains.

Ji Mi Choi, an associate vice president at Arizona State University, said in a statement that the incubator's backers see supporting young waste-reduction ventures as "essential to the development of a strong economy at local, regional and global scales."

在本地,该概念与城市的目标保持一致,以转移40%的废物,否则将到2020年的垃圾填埋场,以及大学与可持续性相关的各种学术编程。竞彩足球app怎么下载由于公司手机app买球靠谱吗等公司的无传统的制造和生产努力,循环经济效率广泛牵引Adidas,福特andDell,再加上第三方等措施Ellen MacArthur Foundation's CE100andCircular Cities Network

Organizations such asthe Closed Loop Fundhave pointed out, however, the structural limitations of local infrastructure are often an obstacle for scaling promising waste-reduction efforts — or even more basic recycling systems. Since launching in 2014, the fund, backed by $100 million earmarked to improve municipal recycling, has found that many companies looking to access recycled materials still have trouble finding adequate supply.

Setting aside for a moment more nascent advanced materials markets, just look at the long-established recycled paper industry.

"Demand, domestically and overseas, has been strong," according to a recent article in trade publicationRecycling Today。"Supply, on the other hand, has experienced a shortage among various grades. As demand has grown, supply has lessened."

In Phoenix, the city hopes the incubator ultimately will help create economic opportunity and new jobs in related industries. There are plans, for instance, to eventually locate the incubator and the broader RISN at a $13 million city-backedResource Innovation Campuscurrently under construction.

Seeking disruptors

Among the types of early-stage companies the Phoenix accelerator program will look to support are "ventures that focus on waste diversion and improvements in processing or utilization of waste as a raw material for new products or energy," according to a press release.

In addition to common classes of materials such as plastic and textiles, the incubator seeks entrepreneurs working with broken furniture, mattresses, compost and plastic film, among other possibilities.

initial round of applications will be accepted through July 24, with a design challenge slated to run from August through October. The winner or winners of the challenge, along with applicable later-stage ventures, will be invited to set up shop longer-term at the incubator.

Among the participation perks promised are training from mentors, access to technical experts, assistance with business plan development,use of feedstocks at Phoenix waste transfer system and "pre-qualification" for funding opportunities.

Phoenix is also far from alone when it comes to cities looking for new ways to both reduce waste to landfill and encourage business activity.

在德克萨斯州奥斯汀,该市支持美国商业理事会的可持续发展努力踢球a business-to-business materials marketplaceto sell or swap everything from extra carpet to spent barley from local breweries.

Worldwide, agencies such as the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions are exploring how key tenets of the circular economy can be applied to the built environment in cities. Amongthe possibilitiesbeing explored are using seaweed found in local waterways as a feedstock for 3D printing-based urban manufacturing.

"The rapid growth in global urban populations increases the pressure to find more sustainable ways of producing," an explainer on the institute's website noted. "Local and biobased supply chains have the ability to make metropolitan areas more independent."

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